
How old is your little one and what is your routine? If you have one! x
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My boy is 10 weeks on Saturday. I feel its too early for a routine but we do always do bath bottle bed at his 9/10pm bottle.

Not much of a set routine other than I wake him by 8am every day, he goes to sleep 8:30-8:40pm every day which is his own weird habit regardless of when his last nap ends. Alternate days bath in the evenings, and he has a bottle in his last wake window, bf rest of the time. At night always white noise. Going to start nap and bedtime routines in his room now.

14 weeks and no routine at all. Just go with the flow and follow my baby and what she wants. I done the same with my first baby (he’s 2.5 now) and he just sort of got himself into his own routine after a while (can’t remember how long)

We don’t really have a routine, but I usually do feed play then nap. He can’t stay awake for longer than 1.5 hours so make sure he’s asleep around this time so he doesn’t get over tired! Other than that we just got with the flow! Xx

12 weeks and going with the flow, cues for feeds, then play then cues for tiredness, nap. Afternoon walk. Cluster feed before bedtime, she likes going down at 11pm-ish, fall asleep closer to midnight, up at 6am for a feed and repeat.

12.5 weeks. We have a good night routine and loose day time one. Bath 6/6.30 Bottle 6.45/7.15 Bed 7.30/8 Wake for feed 11.15 Back asleep for 12 Wake anywhere between 5.30-7.15 for bottle Back asleep till 8/8.30ish Then bottles every 3hrs during the day x

No routine. He does his own thing! 11 weeks

Gone from no routine to randomly sleeping around 10pm and sleeps all way through till around half 7am! I have no idea what happened. I didn't change anything, and it probably won't last😅 we go in the bedroom lights dark etc around half 8 and she's sleepy for half 9 x

No routine really at 12 weeks. I was so in my head about needing a routine and I’ve actually got the huckleberry app as it tells you when the best nap time is etc. but I loosely follow it. I sort of go by what she’s like with it. She will tell me she’s tired or hungry etc, sometimes she goes to sleep at night by 10 sometimes by 12. And then wakes up a couple times a night for feeds but no specific times really. I do try to take her into the bedroom by 10ish so she starts to realise that’s what happens at night. I just think everyone gets in your head about routines but you wouldn’t even know it but ur baby will have certain things that only you will pick up on which is sort of ur own routine if that makes sense.

We are 13 weeks in nearly 14. She has last bottle between 8/10:30 and wakes up at 7/8 ish in the morning. She has max 7 hours sleep during the day x

10 weeks no set routine but he is quite consistent in how he wants his night time, 1 will be last feed and into his cot at about 1:30 then he’ll sleep until 8 then up to play on his mat then a feed

@Kirstie my boy is 10 weeks today as well and we have the same routine!😭🥰

@Katie awww has roman got a twin birthday 😀

@Kirstie 2nd november?🥹 never in my almost 23 years have i met my birthday twin but 10 weeks of my sons life and i’ve met one of his! 🤣

Yep 2nd November here 😀

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