We use 50/50 toddler formula and cows milk but if she wakes in the night it’s just toddler formula. Same thing as you really, her stomach doesn’t tolerate large amounts of just cows milk. I still sterilise her bottles because we’re still using formula but sometimes I haven’t, I use the hotshot method so I doubt I really need to now but it’s just habit as we have the MAM microwaveable bottles. We do 3oz hotshot 3 scoops formula then top it up to 6/7oz with cows milk from the fridge and it’s perfect temp x
@Sophie it’s only for his bed time bottle as he still cries for it and won’t settle without milk😩x
@Cerys I tried to do 50/50 with his first formula but he had really bad constipation so I’m thinking he will need 100% toddler formula for now at least x
I use the toddler milk (Aptamil 3) but it’s just for the bottle before bed time x
@Paige do you still use the hot shot method and sterilise? It’s only the night time bottle I need it for x
I don’t use hot shot - just my Nuby Rapid. We did stop sterilising after 1 years old however, I feel like formula doesn’t clean well and when I’ve gone to get the bottle I’ve seen speckles still left so for the bottles where formula is used I still sterilised for my own peace of mind but don’t think you NEED to xx
If formula feeding any stage that is powder you still need to sterilise and make bottles using water that is at least 70 degrees C. It's not coz of bacteria in the surrounding that baby will be licking etc it's because the formula itself isn't sterile and can contain bacteria that will make baby ill. Ready to feed is sterile though. This is in the UK mind, you should look at the packet there is normally guidance how to make it up 🙂
@Jenny thank you so much. I knew this was the case for first infant formula but wasn’t sure if the toddler formula was the same x
@Danni no worries, it's weird isn't it I don't know why they don't just make it all sterile 🙈
@Danni completely understand! Mine was the same, would wake and associate milk to sleep….so had to go cold turkey. Also when he wouldn’t handle full fat, I gave him semi skimmed x
Using toddler formula milk and we don’t sterilise since she was 1 just wash them in the sink
Ps aptamil 3 ready made bottles i use
Still need to "cook" the formula powder with hot water because it can contain bacteria. But scrubbing the bottles is the most important part of cleaning them.
Not on toddler milk and my little boy did not agree with cows milk. However, they don’t actually need it after 1 as they should get everything in their diet. I know some still want it but I’m just letting you just in case you didn’t know. It was great for me to find this out as I just cut out milk and bottles then x