I’ve lost a week

In my head I’ve been thinking I’m 36weeks on Friday, I’ve come to realise today that I’m actually 37 weeks on Friday and we move house 2 weeks on Saturday and not 3 weeks on Saturday like I thought🤣 I’ve also been saying since June last year that I’ll go into labour on a snowy day so I’m absolutely bricking it🤣 I’m stressed now there’s so much to do I thought I had another week 😬🤣🤷🏻‍♀️
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My best friend exchanged contracts and got the keys for her new house in the morning and had her baby in the evening! Make sure everything is packed and ready to go.. she was not packed and thinks the stress put her in labour! X

@Millie bags all packed and my toddlers got her stuff ready at grandmas just in case, I was 4 days late with her but got a feeling this one will come early be just my luck 🤣 glad I’m not the only crazy one how many weeks was she?🤣

I got my keys for my house at 37 weeks! (After waiting 6 and a half months) It didn’t stop me from getting stuck in 😂 if anything made me turn into a nesting clean freak and made me want to get things perfect for baby’s arrival as felt so delayed.. I tried to prep for the move before hand and sort all babies things so I felt less stressed. I’ll be 40 weeks on Friday and no sign of her 🤣just patiently waiting xx

@Caitlin all his stuff’s good to go tbf I just have no effort to pack the rest ready for the move in day I know once things are in there I’ll want it spotless though and when things are out of this place I’ll want this one spotless aswell it’s just the bit inbetween I can’t really be bothered with 🤣

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