Screening results

Had my Down syndrome test back and results was a lot higher chance than with my 1st. Still classed as a lower chance with NHS so they won’t offer NIPT test so I’ve booked privately. Can anyone share same experience?
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Iv been offered both times, even I was low risk with my first? Why they haven't offered the blood test is abit strange :( you shouldn't have to pay for this? X

@Chloe Russell because from nhs point of view it’s over the 150 so not classed as high risk. What was your numbers do you remember? X

I am in the same position but with Edwards and patau syndrome. Technically low chance by the NHS so we are doing Nipt screening privately!

@Charlotte it’s so hard isn’t it. I’ve booked a NIPT for tomorrow! I rang midwife and she said don’t worry but how can you not??

She said it can change because of age and it being a second baby. But I’m 27 so I am shocked it’s dropped by such huge numbers?!

Yes everyone else says it's low risk so don't worry, but it's impossible. Where we booked the nipt, they also do a scan, so had to wait for the 2 weeks from my dating scan! It's such a worry but fingers crossed. I have low papp a on this pregnancy, so not sure if that is related?

@Charlotte I’ll be thinking of you! I can message you if you’d like to chat if you think it would help. Did your midwife let you know you have low Papp a? When I spoke to mine she said my bloods was fine but I didn’t ask anymore x

I haven’t had the nhs testing yet as got the 12 week scan on Friday but I did the private nipt test and scan on Monday. Last pregnancy I just did the nhs testing but I’m 3 years older this time so wanted to have the thorough testing done. Currently waiting on results they said 5-7 days so should get them soon. If you can afford it and it puts your mind at ease I think the private nipt test is worth it.

I’m so confused why they haven’t? They took my bloods for it and did the ultrasound same day both came back low risk so I don’t get why they haven’t done it for you?

@Rosie because it’s not classed as high risk to them, anything under 1 in 150 is and I’m over that… which is a good thing but I’m still confused cause it’s low compared

What result did you get? Baffled they aren’t doing it for you! But if you can afford it defo get it done privately x

@Rosie 1 in 284 for Down syndrome. What about you how come they did a NIPT test? X

Honestly I can’t remember, I had my baby in August so not sure why this post has even popped up on my feed🙈defo get a test done to put your mind at ease x

@Rosie thanks for commenting I really appreciate it! Xxx

I had this in my first pregnancy test and didn’t quite meet NHS requirements so we paid privately for ours x

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@Claire thanks Claire, I’ve booked an appt for tomorrow.y anxiety is crazy! Such an over thinker xxx

I had a private NIPT because NHS wouldn't do it, waiting for results. They couldn't get the NT measurement so couldn't do the combined testing, they wouldn't offer NIPT just the quad test which midwife outright told me was a crap test because it has a 97% false positive rate!! And only if that came back positive would we be able to have NIPT but that would be so late like 20 weeks or so. We pushed but she said it was policy so went private. Found it so frustrating, the care this time round second baby has been quite poor tbh.

@Sophie oh bless you! I find the whole thing crazy! When I found my midwife she was like ??? Why are you concerned! Well of course I’m going to be! How did you find the private NIPT test? Xx

Her reaction is mad!! Very dismissive! Ours advised us to consider private NIPT is we wanted but wasn't very supportive in an emotional way if you get me, weird for midwives to be lile that. It was perfectly fine having it done I went to Window to the Womb, didn't have the scan just bloods as I'd had a scan the day before, they were really lovely. Hope yours goes well! Xx

@Sophie same to you. Will keep my fingers crossed for you🥰🥰🥰

Is this a lot higher than with your first? Can you remember what that was? Mine is 1 in 167 for Down Syndrome. First baby and I’m 35 which I guess has been taken into consideration, along with other factors. I was a little worried to start with but feel more reassured knowing this is still low risk and looking at it from another perspective - that if I had 167 babies (ridiculous I know!) but that of these, there is still only a low chance that 1 of those babies might have DS. Anyway, just my take but thought I’d add ☺️

@Tarryn yes with my first it was 1 in a 100,000 so a huge difference! I’m 27 so was just concerned by a huge drop! I agree with you, I just think it doesn’t help because of the numbers, if I wasn’t told numbers maybe it would work differently in my head? I don’t know I keep thinking different things! X

Wow yeah that is a huge difference! There’s not much by way explanation of the number on the results letter either is they? Really help the further tests give you some more reassurances x

@Tarryn no nothing at all. Did anyone let you know if anything came back on your bloods? My midwife just said my bloods was normal… she wasn’t concerned but I don’t think she understood how anxious I am! Thankyou xx

Nope not yet. Midwife and hospital both said if there were any concerns - they would call within 2-3 days and if not - to assume all normal. I still can’t see results on any apps so will probably call Midwife this week to check in

@Tarryn fingers crossed that’s good news then! Xx

I had the NIPT test done with my 3rd baby, as my results came back as 1:31 for DS. We had a lower chance result and our baby girl was born in May perfectly healthy 🥰. The test is 99.9% accurate

@Rebecca amazing🥰 so glad to hear xxx

@Sammie I'm just curious, did you mean the combined test came back as high risk for you despite the NT measurement being normal?

@Sammie thanks for clarifying, I was surprised they'd class someone as high risk with a normal scan because the way they described it to me was a combined result from blood test and scan but I'm coming to understand there's a lot more to it x

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With my second the chances were a lot higher than the first, I’m expecting it to up again third time. Hope your results come back soon!

@Sammie thanks Sammie, I think I feel anxious because I am 27 and don’t have a low hormone or anything and the NT measurement was normal. I’ve had the NIPT test done today so hopefully that gives me peace of mind xx

@Emily thanks so much for commenting 🥰

I was also 1 in 100,000 with first baby at 27 and now I’m 31 it came back 1 in 5000. It did initially surprise me, but as a comment further up says, I tried to look from another perspective that it’s still a lot of babies!! X

Can you let us know how you get on? Or message me privately. Keeping everything crossed for you x

@Charlotte yes of course! Did you book NIPT in? I went on Thursday. Xxx

Mines booked for Wednesday (15th) as we had to wait 2 weeks after our 12 week scan! The waiting is the worst bit. Did they say how long to wait for the results?

@Charlotte hope you get the results back soon after Wednesday! I agree the wait is the worst bit, I don’t want to talk to anyone about it either cause I just feel like I’m being negative. They said a maximum of 10 working days! Fingers crossed not that long xx

@Charlotte sorry another question! Did you have any of this with your first baby? Xx

Oh 10 working days, that's ages. On other groups I'm on, it seems they come back sooner.. hopefully! Did you have a scan too? No I didn't have any of this with my first! Did you? X

Fingers crossed for us! I’ll message you so we can chat whilst we wait otherwise could feel like such a long time ❤️ xx

Just checking your okay as I haven't received any messages x

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