I under what you are going through. I’ve had four miscarriages and a stillborn. I’m currently pregnant at 21 weeks. I still worry about what’s gonna happen. I check down there a lot as well and I even try not to worry but it’s natural that we do.
I always check myself. It scared me when I had a subchronic hemorrhage. It made me ball my eyes our because I thought I lost my baby again. I lost 3 babies. I'm 23 weeks 3 days pregnant. I just take every week as a milestone and don't think about it because it will make the whole pregnancy stressful for you and baby. It's hard to do because I have that constant worry especially with the umbilical cord on the edge of placenta so that scares me on top of that.
Had around 13 early miscarriages since 2019 no babies went past 7.5 weeks but i am now 23 weeks with my first miracle child and i am grateful as i could possibly be for this pregnancy but im not gonna lie, i have had the most miserable experience because of the overwhelming anxiety and how close round ligament pain feels to miscarriage cramps is insane and i feel like pregnancy is alot more painful than i knew and i associate that pain with loss in my brain so yeah its been rough. But i just keep telling myself i am half way there☺️ i totally understand how you are feeling and ik you probably heard it before but just keep breathing and take it day by day thats what IM doing atleast.
I always check, no matter what I get scared sometimes freak myself out then realize it’s nothing. Some bleeding during pregnancy is normal as I have been told I have had 2 incidents where I found blood and freaked out one was a few days ago at 18 weeks 6 days and I thought there was something wrong but they couldn’t see where it was coming from my baby boy is fine but it sure does give you a scare. I don’t think there’s any way to minimize feeling anxious and scared every time you go to the bathroom, unfortunately we all who have experienced it will probably always do that and always have that fear
Every time ❤️ even now at 23 weeks. I have an anterior placenta and can’t feel him move and it’s constant anxiety and intrusive thoughts.
I always check or use my Doppler if I haven’t felt her move in a while. I get soooo anxious and it’s the only thing that relaxes my nerves.
21 weeks with a very active baby. I’ve had 3 early MCs and have gone to the ER 3 times this pregnancy because I panicked about the baby. I was so depressed my first trimester because I was convinced I was going to lose my baby even though I tried really hard to stay positive. Even though I feel them move constantly I still check the TP every single time, if they haven’t moved in a while and I have a big drop of discharge I check to make sure it isn’t blood. I know it’s mostly irrational because as far as doctor says baby is perfectly healthy and measuring on track but I’m still a very anxious person. I even worry about stillbirth and SIDs constantly :( I’m hoping to get some help for my anxiety soon but from one MC mama to another, I think it’s always gonna be there a little bit.
@Lee ugh it’s miserable! I ALWAYS check when I feel discharge too to make sure it isn’t blood. I’ve been to the hospital 3 times this pregnancy too! It doesn’t help that I started having Braxton hicks at the START of my second trimester! So nerve wracking but they keep telling me they’re just Braxton hicks and my cervix is still good and thick and long but it still scares me! I was miserable with worry and doubt my whole first trimester too! For reference I’ve had 2 early MCs 14 years apart with a healthy baby in between but my last one was in Feb last year. Still too fresh and honestly I think no matter how much time goes by I’ll prolly always have this MC fear during pregnancy 😩 and my “best friend” is so cold with me about it. Says I’m too paranoid and that it annoys her. Is it just me or is that INCREDIBLY insensitive? I need a new bestie too!
@Jessie omg I’m SO sorry you experienced so many losses! But I feel you on the round lig pain it’s scary! I associate pain in pregnancy with MC too 😩 the constant Braxton hicks I’ve been having aren’t helping my nerves either! I’m so scared of giving birth before I reach viability at 24 weeks! Thanks God I’m almost there though!
@Dani Marie girl you got this! I am sending good energy your way 🫶🏻 we all have the same worries but you are almost there 🥰❤️
I always check