If your cycle is regular you could track that and avoid sex around ovulation to prevent pregnancy. It's possible that you've just not landed around your most fertile window since you started trying again. If your little one is anything like mine, you're kept busy and probably haven't gotten as much time with hubby as you'd like lol I got pregnant with #2 2 cycles after I started trying and it was when we got the timing better for my cycle. My 2nd is 1 month and a couple days old, now. It hasn't been as rough as I thought but I think it'll honestly get more challenging when she's a little older and more awake/needs me more.
Nothing is 100% not even "fertility issues" and if you are not ready don't force yourself to be. Having 2 littles at the same time is hard. I have 4 yr old twins and a 15mo old and I can tell you even with the few year age gap it's hard, but having them even closer together would have been even harder for sure.
@Emma I have 4 yr old twins and a 15 mo old and I can tell you for sure your mom is a super hero for having them that close together. Lol
You are the one that would be holding/caring the baby so it’s all up to you. My mom had 6 kids and the closest gap is 18 months but the biggest gap is 7 years. Her oldest is 25 and youngest is 5 lol. I only have my son who is 18 months and tbh would love another but I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it and welp I am single atm lol.