Look after at home or nursery regardless

If you have the choice not to send your child to nursery (family members that can look after them or are a stay at home mum) would you still choose not to send them ? Part of me wonders if he would learn important life skills at nursery, but he goes to regular clubs to socialise and also my generation when we were kids we didn't go this young to any setting (only pre school) and we all turned out fine !!
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I think it depends on a lot of things. For example, a SAHM might benefit from a break for a few hours a week, especially if she's expected to take on more of the household stuff on top of childcare. Or while family looking after the kids can be lovely, if those family members aren't super active or plonk the child in front of the TV a lot then some time at nursery around childcare professionals can be beneficial.

@Caroline oh no my mum is very proactive and there is no screen time and lots of hands on learning etc so I'm not worried about that !

We have a full time nanny but have chosen to send LO to a nursery two afternoons a week - I think it’s healthy for them to spend time with other adults and with children their own age as well as benefiting from all the activities and toys.

We are thankfully in this situation, me and my husband arranged our shifts to opposites as we didn't have childcare initially with my eldest, we've never switched it back and we still send them to nursery:) I think it's done my eldest the world of good so will be sending my youngest when he's 2 as well :) the good thing is if they're I'll then neither of us have to take a sick day and it means when my youngest starts nursery we have those days and times to catch up on normal jobs so we don't have to then do it when they're home :)

My lo has thrived at nursery and as she is an IVF baby she will likely never have a sibling (unless we choose to adopt) so her going to nursery gives her the interaction with others her own age that she wouldn’t get otherwise. I also think everyone needs a break.

I think it totally depends on you. My son goes to nursery one day a week, but he is always catching some bug or infection from there, so it has its setbacks x

My opinion best place for kids before the age of three is with the family So I have a choice I wouldn’t send my LG to nursery see her crying breaks my heart She is going only two days a week …

We do a mix, my daughter has every other Monday with me, alternate Mondays with her dad, nursery Tuesdays and Fridays, then Wednesday and Thursday morning is with dad and the afternoons with my parents. She seems to love the variety and really enjoys nursery

Knowing now how my daughter is THRIVING going to nursery, I would definitely send her again. I don’t know how they do it, but my daughter learns so much there, things that I wouldn’t have thought to try and teach her yet! She can hum along to & knows the actions to several nursery rhymes, she can identify several animals, and this is all from going only 1 day a week. I think it’s fab socialisation (she doesn’t have any other kids her age around her). Only downside is the constant illnesses, but I’m sure she’ll end up with a great immune system

I’ve done both! My eldest (3 next month) stayed at home with family for 8 months, but then I put her into nursery and she loved every second of it. Took her out so family could look after her again and she stopped interacting with people and wasn’t as happy. My youngest (1) has just started nursery a few months back and she loves it. Nursery is great, except they catch everything. I wouldn’t start in winter, wait until flu and colds etc are gone. Doesn’t effect my 2 year old but my 1 year old has been full of cold and tested positive for flu over Christmas and was very poorly x

I personally believe in nursery until at least 1/2 years before starting school. In my area they are now trailing not starting primary till 6 years old and encouraging parents to do a bonus year at nursery fully funded so chances are I won’t be sending mines to nursery until he’s at least 4/5years old

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