Following this for my own knowledge but I BF almost exclusively and then every other day add in a 5oz bottle to give me a break for a few hours as he’s pretty much on me every 3 hours. My boy tracks along 9th percentile though so I think he’d be heavier if I did more formula feeds.. curious to see quantities others are doing if they’re combi feeding more regularly
I BF her first & last feed of the day (20-30 mins) and then do roughly 5 bottles of 7oz through the day (every 2 hours ish). She’s a tall girl (almost 9kgs) so likely will be moving to offering 8oz soon as she’s starting to finish it all more regularly.
7am - BF 1030 - 6oz 13 - 6oz 16 - 6oz 1830 - 6oz 21 - 6oz The 9pm used to be BF as well but replaced that about 4 weeks ago. I always offer 6oz, she sometimes drinks all, sometimes leaves anywhere between 0.5-2oz. No idea if that’s too much, not enough or whatever but it works for us. She’s following 25th centile & no concerns