Anyone struggle to make friends?

Feeling so deflated lately, I feel like my fiance is my only ‘friend’ and our relationship isn’t great right now. I have 0 girl friends it seems and no one to talk to. A friend of mine I reconnected with after having our first babies, has gone a bit MIA recently. We have an ongoing chat but sometimes it takes weeks until she replies, although she will like and comment on my posts. I just don’t understand why it’s so hard to maintain relationships with people in your 30’s or as a mother. I’m 31 and pregnant with my 2nd baby. I’ve been to play groups to try and connect with other parents, but that never works out either. I’m having a bit of a down day and being super negative, I just feel like I’m a bad mum for having no friends for even my child to play with, he’s going to be 2 soon and he doesn’t have any kids his age around him. He will interact with others at soft play but he never see’s those children again. I don’t plan nursery yet as I can’t afford it. How do I overcome this lonely feeling?? Posting anon because i’m embarrassed. 😩
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I'll be your friend if you want to send me a message. I'd like to think I'm reliable. It can be hard to make friends so don't beat yourself up. I'm also pregnant with my second baby and my son is also about to be 2 :]

Send me a message hun, I’m more than happy to add to your numbers too ☺️ and please don’t be embarrassed I only have a very small selection of friends who have somewhat became aquanauts now because I’m pregnant 🤣 don’t feel embarrassed because end of the day it’s the true ones you want not just to say you have friends. I have one true friend at the moment and I met her on here a few months ago so join us! Send me a message ☺️

Aw love where are you located!? I was actually just feeling this way recently. Then I realized that it may just be Gods way of telling me to lean more into my marriage. If you’re in the Florida area, I’d love to connect with you!

I'm in the exact same boat ⛵🚢

I feel the same way

Yes, I feel this

I give out my number like unsolicited advice. 😂 Any mom who is around my age and has children around my daughter's age, I just introduce myself, give her my cell, and get hers too, text and invite her to things. Some people will ghost. Others won't. Don't give up!

31 and on my 3rd. Yes, same.

It's absolutely harder to make friends when you're older! I'm 40 and find it hard, I genuinely connect with few people!

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