Potty training

For those who didn’t do the 3 day training (bare bum or straight to hnderwear) how long did potty training take (comment age of child too!)
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Straight to underwear for both of my kids. Both around 2.5 years old. Son took a little over a week. My daughter was just a day 😂

We started around 24-25 months. Poo was pretty easy and quick to train in his case and once we started going out of the house this became easy quickly so would say about a week for these two. But wees inside the house took the longest to master as he had a few regressions and also learning how to pull his trousers up and down took some time once we introduced those. By 2 months he was fully trained as in no longer having any accidents and I was feeling a lot more relaxed about it. I didn't introduce underwear until around this point and then he was fine with it.

Straight to underwear, accident free after 3 days.

My youngest will be 3 in a couple weeks. She's basically potty trained at this point and wears underwear all the time but she has to be reminded to go potty during the day or she'll have an accident. She's good about poop though. We started working on it around 2.5 ish.

I don't remember now fully potty trained with dry nights by 2.5 years old .

Months?! It took about 2 days!

Tried pull-ups with scheduled potty for a few weeks, no luck. Did underwear while at home, pull-ups while out for a few days, no luck. Then underwear all the time for a few weeks, much better success. Also helped to have a sticker potty chart, gave her an m+m for successful potty, and got a plastic potty for the toy room to quickly plop her on it when she needed to go

We moved to no pants then to underwear at 2,5 years. Wes were ok(still have to remind him though if he is playing!). Poos were a nightmare he just never seemed to know he needed to go. But on day like a month and a bit in he just ran to the loo and did one and has done since. He is 3 in April and I would say we are accident free at home but nursery if he is outside and playing he rarely will say he wants to go inside to go to the loo so still a bit of work there.

2 weeks

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