Hysterical at pre school drop off

For context my LG started pre school in April and loves it! Always gone in happy until she went back after Christmas. The last two days she has been so hysterical and screaming. It's been so hard to experience this! Her key worker said she calms down straight away after I leave and when I ask my LG she says she's had a good day. Any idea or advice?!
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No advice, just solidarity as it is really difficult, but it's good she calms, and the nursery staff are communicating this to you! honestly, it is just a phase, and it will stop again soon. My little boy has been going to nursery since he turned 2, and we have a couple of drop-offs like this once every couple of months. I give him a cuddle and say bye like we usually do, when he gets upset I remind him how much he loves nursery, his friends are waiting for him and that mummy will be back later to pick him up. He then goes in and the staff are great at turning his attention to an activity or something so he calms down. When Dad drops him at nursery on the days he's not at work, he's told me that our boy likes waving out the window to him, but he won't do this with me, it makes him more upset! I have cried about it in the car before now, especially since his brother has come along because the mum guilt seems worse! But I never let him see x

@Sophie thank you for replying. It's confusing why it's only just started but she was unwell over Christmas and had a lot more attention haha so maybe she just misses me xx

Awwwh that's a shame. I remember this well with my eldest until covid happened and once children went back, drop off happened at the gate/door. Children said bye and off they went. Parents didn't stay long compared to when you have to go in and get them sorted first. My youngest on the other hand, only time she got upset was when she wasn't well. Not long after starting nursery and she was ill on and off until just before christmas 🙈 maybe it's caz she was with you at home for so long and then all of a sudden the reality hit that she is away again. Hope you are okay tho but its good that she calms down, they would definitely call you if she was still upset x

Maybe! Their emotions are so high at this age anyway aren't they! Their imaginations are also wild, i think my son scares himself sometimes😆 xx

Just here to say I am going through the same! She loved it at first (still loves it actually there after the initial drop off!) But has been difficult to leave for a while now and at another activity she does the same thing! It's hard isn't it. I also had a baby amongst it all so think that's a bit of realisation I'm with her brother without her after the initial novelty of something new and exciting has now worn off. (She started September and the difficult drop offs have been going on since about November time) i think its a case of waiting it out and it being a phase (but I know that's not helpful or any easier when you're in it. Just know you're not alone as it can feel that way watching all the other children go in fine can't it!) I can see your anonymous of course, but feel free to message me if you'd like as it sounds we are in very similiar situations/circumstances at the moment! 😊xx

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