I used the weego twin carrier, it was a god send when taking their older sister to school.
I second the weego! It was really helpful those first few months adjusting to twin life and having a very busy 3 year old. Now that mine are a little bigger (almost 6 months) I just use a single carrier when needed. I don’t usually have to hold them both at once these days.
@Amber yes live in the north east! That would be amazing! Thank you so much!
We hired from a sling library as they are soooo expensive new and you only use them for a few months. We had a weego and a mini monkee. We also bought a secondhand twingo but never actually used it as they were too heavy together so just kept them in the twin pushchair.
Weego is what I have xx
Are you UK based? I can post mine out to you ...it was an absolute godsend but my girls are now too big for it , my husband could still have them both in but it's too heavy for me now xx