Monitor Anxiety

Our little girl has just been taken off the monitors without the nurses/doctors discussing it with me. She's had some dips in her heart rate and I'm now super anxious and feel like I can't leave her side in case the worse happens. Any advice on how to help my anxiety?
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Does she still have a O2 monitor? How old is she

That's good! The team wouldn't do that if they weren't sure. The best thing I was told was to look at her coloring. If she's pink (or whatever color your baby should be) then she's good đź‘Ť

I became very reliant on the monitors and the NICU in general! My son had desats and needed intervention several times. I was terrified when they took off the monitors! But they explained they don’t want “frequent flyers” and they’d never do something unless they were 100% confident. It’ll be okay!

I remember being terrified that my daughter would brady. I’m in health care myself and was always so on edge with everything. I felt like I knew too much but in reality, I knew nothing! Neonatal docs and nurses are soo excellent at what they do, their decisions are usually made after making sure your baby can handle it. Trust them, ask plenty of questions and be informed of why they’re making those decisions. It always gave me peace of mind because I felt like I was also a part of the care and my babies momma! Wishing you good luck 🩷

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