Potty training 🥲🙃

Hey mommas! I need advice! I'm a first time mom, my little man just turned 2 (Dec 8th) and well, he's pretty much terrified of the potty? At 19/20 months old, he was absolutely extatic so proud of himself for peeing on the potty for the first time. I think it happened 1 or 2 more times after that. Then very ubruptly absolutely will not go within 3 feet of the potty. When momma says she has to go potty he loves taking my hand, leading me to the bathroom then pointing to the potty saying "momma potty here" 🥲😂. So then I try to take the opportunity to say "Qoen go potty too with momma? " it's an immediate no, and he leaves the bathroom. If I try to push it any more it ends with him crying, dad and I trying anything and everything for bribery and it's no no no to everything. We've always made sure to not "force" "punish" anything to do with the potty. There really is no reason he's all of a sudden so scared. And it's even with his toddler pottys! We have the one with the steps you set it on the toilet, we have the seperate toddler size potty seat (baby shark themed), and he has his own mini toddler toilet you can move anywhere. It doesn't flush or make any noise, it just looks like a toilet and you dump it out when your done. So........ With all that, anyone have any advice? We were so happy and sure he'd be ready early, the signs were there! Now we're completely back to square one.
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This might seem weird, but right off the bat my son never wanted to sit on the potty to pee. He automatically stood up and peed standing. He was actually naturally good at it not so much anymore lol but it took him a while to actually want to sit down on it to poop because he was scared to. He peed a bunch standing up. He got more comfortable with it and was able to sit down after a while.

I think it’s just a phase. We got out LG toddler potty and the one with the stairs. In the beginning she was excited then next she was scared to go near or sit..it lasted few months. Now she started sitting on it sometimes if I say she need to do 💩 but she does t do anything. Just sits with her clothes on and pretends. I’m thinking of potty training but I think maybe she is not ready yet as she doesn’t pull down or up the pants herself. To make her used to the potty itself we played with her sending her animal toys to do 💩 there . I think that help with being scared

@Britt my son hates sitting on the potty but we haven’t tried standing. How did you get yours to hold his penis. We are an all girl household so we don’t have a male figure to show him. I contemplated sending him to my brothers a weekend to teach him but then thought that would be weird. I’m lost on boys standing up though 😅

Following! My boy doesn't seem scared of it as such, but just refuses to go to it after he was so excited about it a few months ago. He used to tell us when he needed it or at least needed a new nappy but now doesn't tell us until after it's happened and tries to stop us changing him so it seems like he is going backwards from being ready.

@Q that part is hard cause he seem his dad do it once lol. He actually was a pro with it cause he just aimed for the water. He doesn’t shake though. He did really well at first cause they actually try hard to get it in the water! It’s when they get comfortable and cocky lol. My son’s getting close to four now and he literally tries to use an iPad at the same time so it gets everywhere 😂. I find though if some how you can try even with lack of males he may start getting braver. For pooping though he also had to start on the little toilet before using the step stool one like you have

Have you taken his nappies away? You need to fully commit and take them off (safe for his lunchtime nap and bedtime). You will have multiple accidents. Pop him on mid wee or poo so you catch a bit and make a HUGE fuss. Stickers, clapping, jumping, call people over to look and praise. He will get there. We started just before 2nd bday

Try stickers and rewards chart and keeping some fun books/toys in the toilet next to the potty. I’ve noticed it’s really hard for my daughter to leave an activity to come toilet so I’ve been saying bring it with you and she’ll happily come then

Follow his lead. It will be 10x harder if he’s not ready. Understanding & bladder control isn’t always ready early. It’s a novelty to begin with which can seem like they’re ready when they’re not

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