I found out I was pregnant at 3-4 weeks. The day after I started spotting(presumed this was MC), bleeding progressively got heavier however no clots, this lasted for 4 weeks, I knew something was off so I decided to do another test which was a strong positive. Went to the hospital who said this COULD be ectopic however at this point I wasn’t in pain so they didn’t want to admit they just monitored with bloods, the 4 day period my hormone levels were not dropping nor increasing(they still didn’t do anything). Monday I went back in agonising pain all down 1 side, covering my leg, bottom of my back. They admitted me and did a scan which confirmed left tubal ectopic at 8 weeks, was in surgery the same day for left tube removal. Always trust your gut xx
This sounds like me. I have my second blood draw today so we’ll see. Thank you ladies for responding 🤍
With my ectopic I suffered with a dull ache in my left shoulder, the GP told me it was ligament pain but I knew it wasn't
@Rebecca Louise hi! How long did your shoulder pain last? What ended up happening for you?
It lasted about 5 days until unfortunately I ruptured and ended up having surgery and tube removed
With mine I had pretty much no pain, mildly crampy but I didn’t need any pain meds, even once ruptured. The only symptoms I had were spotting throughout, first brown and then turned to red. Mine ruptured at 6w on the dot.