My ribs are solid too, it’s where baby’s bum is on one side. His legs tend to go off to the side, with his feet on the other side of my ribs. You can’t feel the head bc it’s tucked away in my pelvis - he’s been cephalic since 28 weeks.
My baby was a mix of breech, transverse and somewhat head down until about 37-38 weeks, then settled somewhat head down.. I was relatively anxious about his position so my midwife would offer in office ultrasound to see, and she suggested using the at home Doppler. She said if the heartbeat was below my belly button baby was likely head down. In the end he was head down but still turned not quite right and didn’t like the contractions so I ended up having a C-section.
The bottom of my belly was always softer and my baby was head down from 28 weeks!