Tongue tie

My baby is only 10 days! But struggles to take the breast! Do you think it’s too early to have it removed ?
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No the sooner the better

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Easier healing...recommended by dentists and doctors and lactation also might not need it fixed you might just need help from a lactation consultant

My LO got his done within the first month. It’s recommended asap like Molly said and to help encourage breast feeding

It needs to be down asap - huge knock on effect with feed and sleep and general well being. Get him booked him - if left too long I think you will need to go private

Earlier the better. Some places in the UK don't cut after a certain age on NHS. We had to travel nearly 3 hours (we got the train, would've been a bit quicker by car) to get our LG's done at 4 months because where we are won't cut after 12 weeks and baby's wasn't found until 11½weeks (with a weekend ahead, so 1 day to hope for a cancellation on)

Earlier the better. My son had his done at 48 hours old

I went to the assessment today, and the consultant said my baby has a beautiful latch while watching me breastfeed. They also mentioned that her tongue tie is moderate, and that while I can choose to have it treated, it’s not urgent. However, at home, she was so hungry and seemed to forget how to latch, crying frequently as I tried to help her find the correct position. I’m concerned I should act sooner rather than later. Do you think I should proceed with the procedure, or continue to wait and monitor?

Any form of tongue tie will cause issues - personally I would just get it done. You know your baby and what’s best. So this is something you have to decide for yourself.

It can also cause speech problems and neck tension/migraines later.

My LG used to magically latch well the moment the midwife/health visitor etc was watching too. Then be fussy etc the moment they left! It is your choice at the end of the day, my bil has a similar tongue tie to what my daughter had and never had it corrected (he's 24 now) but he was bottle fed. My LG, breastfed, dropped weight because she couldn't lift her tongue to compress the nipple effectively so not getting it cut would've ended our breastfeeding journey.

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