I need advice

I’m 15 years old and I’m a new mom I’ve been having so much anxiety on the epidural should I get it ?? the needle is so long and that’s what’s making me have so much anxiety I don’t want to go through the pain on getting it then it not work what should I do?
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Do whatever makes you feel best and have the best experience From the beginning I didn’t want the epidural at all and said to myself if I need it ill have it but I survived on just gas and air and I wouldn’t change it for the world and would do it again and again on just gas and air xx

Hey girl!! I’m also a teen mom, I got pregnant when I was 16. I got the epidural!! My labor went very smoothly. If you have any more questions you can add me on snapchat!! I would love to help you through this. It’s rylee_len

@Rylee thank you so much!!!

Hi! It is honestly the best thing!!!!! It feels like a bug bite and after that you feel minimal pain. I personally would not go through labor without it

I got the epidural with both of my girls and the first time it worked so well I couldn’t tell if I was even pushing and the second time it didn’t work because my baby decided it was a race to get out so the epidural couldn’t keep up basically. It’s a gamble. Follow your gut. They do offer other options for pain management. My friend had the gas and she said it worked beautifully for her. You got this 🫶🏻

I’m 16 and I had my baby 10 weeks ago. I got the epidural even though I am terrified of needles, I even cried while I was getting the IV, and the epidural was okay for me. It did numb one side of my body more than the other but it helped with the contractions and my labor was super short and fast. But I do have back pain from it sometimes still so just beware of that.

I’m no longer a teen mom but i’m a young mom now When i had my first at a young age, the whole child birth process is so scary. In my experience, i didn’t even care about that needle when i was in so much pain. I just wanted it to be over. It’s all up to you!

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