Just a warning, be careful with this hack in the summer! Apparently celery juice can cause burns to skin when it’s in the sun.
@Deja oh wow what the heck fr?! I gotta look into that, that’s crazy 😦
I saw something very similar but with green onions. Has anyone tried them? Something about it containing juices to help soothe?
@Eviee yes, it’s called Phytophotodermatitis or “margarita burn” !! Here’s a link of one mom’s experience : https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/margarita-burns-baby-chewing-celery-1.6859900
@Bailey I just tried a green onion stalk today and it was such a success! I didn't freeze it. Give it a try
Celery is a super juice like pomegranates. They are good for loads of things, including weightloss. I dont even freeze it, I just clean it, and he chews it. Works wonders for teeth like cayenne pepper
@Bailey my nutritionist said that the geeen part of the green onion is more sweet than anything but you gotta understand the smell can be a bit overwhelming.
Such a good idea! You could also boil carrots, freeze those and do the same! I did this with all sorts of fruits, never veggies. I wish I did because it’s a great idea.