Am I weird 😂

I have a bad habit of accumulating 6+ bottles of water on my bed head and they just live there rent free. So I have recently decided whatever I leave there, I HAVE to drink the next morning in order to clean/clear it. It’s actually prevented me from bringing so many damn bottles in plus I’m getting hydrated af 😅
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I use to ask myself damn why I have so many empty water bottles but I rather see that then soda bottles and stuff

Knowing me I just would put off drinking them in the morning “eh not right now” 🤦‍♀️

@🩷 Patience 🩷 I would too except my partners voice pops into my head teasing me about it 🤣

I need to do this but that cold water refresh has a hold on me

I only drink cold. So I have one thermal stainless bottle there to drink w my vitamins. We don’t buy bottled water though maybe that’s why I don’t have them around the house I just refill a jug leave it in the fridge and I refill any reusables lying around the house - Hubby and toddler have their own.

Get a gallon water bottle. You’ll only have one big bottle to worry about (:

@Victoria I wish I could but bottles and cups give me the ick I can only drink out of specific bottles 🥲

@Heidi I feel like my solution is a healthy punishment 🤣

I do this too. 😂😂😅

@Victoria I’ve tried them all I don’t know why mentally I can’t stand them 🤣 even when I know something is CLEAN I just feel like it’s dirty and I’m drinking dirty water lmao. I buy bottled water and I hate how much plastic waste there is but it’s the only way I can drink it

@Sera Kay ✨ I struggle too! I thought a big metal cup with a straw (bit like a cheap Stanley) and that's working for me as the metal makes me feel it's "fresher". Big plastic bottles are a no for me 🤣

@Rach same I hate plastic bottles in all forms including reusable so I buy stainless- main reason is it keeps it icy cold all day and that’s what i want I cannot stand room temp water, and esp out of plastic I can taste the residual plastic it’s gross. So stainless only for me.

You could also switch to a reusable water bottle and refill it every time is gone. You will have only one bottle of water going everywhere with you. Ditch disposable bottles. Ditch the plastic.

I have a metal one I use but only for other liquids never for water. I dunno why I just can’t 😭 it changes the way it tastes. I’ve been looking into getting a water machine that has fresh water I like in it then I can use a glass. Cos the amount of plastic water bottles we go through is ridiculous and so bad!

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