Best learning apps/programs

Hello ladies, I have a 2nd grader who could use a little more practice at home. Reading and math are the main focus. Tell me you and your kids' favorite learning apps to use. TIA 😊
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We use splash learn! I use it for my 8, 7 and 4yo.

I also have a second grader who’s a little behind on reading. Khan academy kids is free and she enjoys it.

My son has learned to read using it's about $12-14 a month and has helped both my son and nephew. We tried other programs including homes in phonics but worked amazingly

My 7 year old and 4 year old both love Kahn Academy.

We use ABC mouse. But I have been looking into adventure academy. They usually have a deal this time of year.

Read together at night, best way

@Tami we read every night, at least 20 minutes. She seems frustrated when she's working and doing homework with us and plays dumb is the best way I can describe it. She does stuff on her own fine but if we are working with her she just guesses everything and it's stuff she said 2 seconds before asking again. Trying to find a way that's less stressful on all of us and let's her still enjoy learning. I'm not sure why she just stops trying when we are doing stuff with her. She's doing great in school, her last school was not teaching where they should have been and we didn't realize that til towards the end of the year when we say someone else's 1st graders homework and asked if she recognized any of it and she said no 🫤 she got her 2nd quarter grades and she's gone from a 1st grade 1st quarter reading level to where she's supposed to be at for 2nd grade now since the beginning of this year at a new school. I just don't want to discourage learning because we don't work together well at home 🙈

@Kaelynn I feel like you just wrote this about my daughter 😂 it frustrates me so bad when she plays dumb when I’m trying to help her with her homework 😒 But yet she’ll correct her brother in third grade, like okay sis.

@Lilly I honestly don't get it. She'll teach other people and do things by herself but as soon as her dad or I ask something to do with homework it's like she erases everything from her brain real quick. Lol

@Marissa I will check it out, thanks for the recommendation

Khan academy, iReady (see if the school has an account you can use), and ABC mouse

@Kaelynn this is literally how my daughter is! she acts like she doesn’t know but her when we’re playing or watching tv she reads fine.

@Marissa it's like their brains just shut off when there's homework there. She'll sit there and teach classes to her stuffed animals though 😑 lol

We do Adventure Academy but also my daughter has to read for 20 minutes a day for school. We have been letting her read silently in her head but I wonder if that is the right thing to do.

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