Did you boil the nips first? and also have you tried the Phillips natural one? They have one with a glass bottle too I found them at target! They’re great idk what you’ve tried tho
I have tried the phillips advent, dr brown, nuk ( 2 types) , nanobebe
I use the evenflo wide neck balance + and I breastfeed.
@Nina I've tried about 10 so far and the Evenflo seems to be my LO's favorite and give her a very natural latch.
There is a tommie tippie natural selection that is in glass and plastic that mimics the breast really well and helped my LO transition to both breastfeeding and bottle
Are you the one giving it to him or is it someone else? Sometimes babies reject bottles if they can see/smell mom right there and know latching may be an option
If someone else is giving it to him, maybe try dipping the nipple in a little milk before screwing it on so he’s getting the milk taste first rather than the plastic
@Leah which even flows?
@Josie i have tried both options
Calma by medela is amazing
@Nina https://www.target.com/p/evenflo-3pk-balance-wide-neck-anti-colic-baby-bottles-9oz/-/A-51430703
I use Dr Brown bottles and pacifiers! I found it easier to start with their pacifiers since they are the same shape as the bottle nipples then transitioning.
Which ones have you tried so far?