Due date is around the corner

My due date is January 23 Starting to feel a bit anxious & scared Yet Super excited I am laying in bed now until I doze off while my boy kicks up a storm 🙃 Anyways I’ve had a pretty good pregnancy can’t complain and I have felt great still feel pretty good minus the lower back pain mainly on my right side especially while I sleep and feeling lots of pressure now I will be 38 tomorrow Baby boy has been faced down for a couple of weeks now officially made it into the pelvis area so I got my cervix checked this week at my OB check up due to the pressure I’ve been feeling not dilating yet but my cervix started thinning already so that’s a good sign definitely been in nesting Mood Not sure when he will come now or if he will even go past his due date with all the pressure I’ve been feeling on and off and him facing down and being so low already anyone else do around my due date and feeling the same way? First time mom here
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hi sweetie i totally understand how you feel i’m feeling the same way and due the same day …. im ready to meet this baby but anxious and nervous at the same time i definitely feel the pressure of baby girl being head down as well

Same due date!! Yes I feel all that. It’s such a pain. But almost to the finish line!

I’m due the day after you! First time mama here as well! Definitely also getting anxious and scared! Just want everything to go smoothly and wanna be prepared. My cervix is 50% effaced.. but still closed which I was disappointed by.. was definitely hoping to go a little early. I have an appointment tomorrow so hopefully I will have made some progress!

Yay due date club! The less you stress, the more your body can open up. I'm honestly counting down to when my mom gets here on Tuesday to help me out. Then I'll feel like I'm ready

Another for Jan 23rd here! Finally got a check today for baby #3, I'm 2cm and 0 station. Glad to hear she's doing her business in there because she's giving me all the pains and pressure that goes with it. I'm willing to give her one more week, and then I'll be asking for that sweep next week. 😆

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