
I feel so guilty because I’ve sent my girl to preschool this morning kicking and screaming because she wanted me so bad, she hasn’t has a poo since Saturday which I think is why she wanted me to badly. I feel so bad but the more I keep her off the more she doesn’t want to go I feel terrible. The reason she hasn’t pooped is because she will not poo anywhere but at home unless she realllyyyy has to and we have been busy the last few days so no time for her to go.
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Hey 👋🏾 mamma! I hear you and I understand how you are feeling. Those first few days or weeks is mega hard. I remember crying when leaving mine at nursery. However, once they get familiar, they end up really loving it and you will look back and smile at this current time. It helps if you speak to a friend or another mumma to get your nerves at ease. Also think of all the social skills that your LO will be learning. Hope this helps x

@Bee she’s been there 5 months now and every day is a battles some worse than others:(. I’d love to talk to someone other than my boyfriend but I’ve got no friends and no mum friend especially

It's hard isn't it. Honestly it took my daughter a good 6-9 months to feel fully settled and excited to go to nursery, I thought I'd made a huge mistake because she was so quiet and shy at nursery and seemed so unhappy when she came home. But once they do get settled you'll see the benefits, it's so lovely hearing them talk about their little friends and how funny X person was when they did X. She's come on leaps socially and physically and is learning so much.

@Rachel it is so lovely and I know she has fun it’s just trying her to go, I don’t drive so my parents take her in which I think makes it harder because I’m not with her at drop it

My daughter has been going to the same nursery since just before her first birthday and we still have days where she clings to us and says she doesn't want to go. But once she's there she always has a great time. These little people of ours are going through a lot of big feelings and trying to be independent. It's hard but we just need to acknowledge their feelings and give them some things they can control! Good luck with the 💩 situation though - that must be mega uncomfortable for her!

It’s so hard when they are like that because all you want to do is pick them up and keep them home with you. My girl is yet to start, she will be going in September and although she’s more than ready she’s never left with anyone apart from us or the odd occasion my mum or her older siblings, so I know we will have a lot of tears. As long as your little one is settling not long after being dropped off know she’s having a great day it’s common for children to cry at drop off and pick up when they see you again, you are there safe space. Fingers crossed she toilets soon and starts feeling more comfortable and hopefully that will help too. ❤️

@Lorraine I’m Lucky she does settle in as soon as she walks in, they are great at distracting her, it’s just seeing her in that state screaming for me it’s horrible

That’s great she settles straight away but it is heart breaking seeing them like that, hopefully over time she will get more settled and not get so upset xx

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