Baby’s growing up!

How is everyone else coping with their child turning 4 this year and starting full time school? I just can’t believe how fast my first baby is grown! Time really is a stealer! I miss my tiny little human that has no attitude and slept all the time😂but i love the beautiful little sassy queen she’s become! Still loves the sleep all the time so i suppose that’s a bonus😂
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I also miss the little did everything he was told and ate everything I gave him child. This one's a pain in the arse but I love him to bits and love seeing him as his own person now. It's amazing how I see so much of either me or hubby in him, me being the good side and hubby being the naughty side! School I'm dreading. I just don't know how he's going to cope with the change especially if we don't get the school we really want. The other 2 we picked are crap as anything but had no choice. Really hope he gets our first choice.

@Cheryl (Can't See Waves) Avas already started the nursery but her school has a pre-school so she’s been going since she was 2, only does mornings though so a little nervous for her to be going for full days! I get that completely it’s so nerve-racking, even we might not get our first choice even though she already goes there so i’m scared she won’t get her first choice too! Fingers crossed for us both🤞🏼 The naughtiness is relentless and i think it makes it worse she has a 1 year old brother so she can be a little bossy boots with him but they’re so kind and loving at heart, i get pure attitude all day but also get a good cuddle and told she’s so happy and that i’m her bestfriend all day too so i guess it balances out😂xx

I wish mine loved sleep, maybe turning 4 will be the year they sleep through the night lol. 😴😴

@Jodi🤍 mines been going nursery since baby too but just 2 days a week. The nursery also takes them as preschoolers to he's doing 2 days still. The school we want is where the nursery is (Nursery is private but on school grounds) so really hoping he gets it. I said I the application that I will consider home education if he get the other 2 schools lol! He's been an absolute 💩 today and it was the first time he's gone down to orange flower at nursery (they have a reward system), even the staff were surprised. But got lots of cuddled and smiles before bed with him, my favourite time cos its like holding my little baby again.

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