Yes true me too but defo happens more often and makes me feel a bit like I can't do anything/can be a tiny bit scary
Are you diabetic? It sounds like a hypo. I have these a lot having GDM but it’s due to insulin working too late and going too long between meals. If you can I recommend having a snack even if it’s just a few biscuits. I can’t go more than 3 hours exactly without having food or my sugars drop dangerously low
Not that i know of!! I'm trying to eat regularly but maybe not enough.. gonna mention to midwife next week !
I mentioned it to my midwife as I go lightheaded, dizzy and have fainted a few times. Once I lie down, I come round but am sweating all over and just not with it. The midwife couldn’t find a reason for it, so said to mention to GP as it may not be pregnancy related!
@Bec it definitely sounds like your sugars are too low. Do you feel confused when it happens or lack focus on anything?
Also how many weeks are you both? Have you had your iron levels checked?
I'm 25 weeks - had iron checked early doors and was within normal range but on lower side of that so maybe that could be it too...
That sounds scary bec
@Katie you’ll be due another check by 28 weeks, I’ve just been given my forms I’m 25 weeks too
What I thought was low sugar levels or blood pressure actually turned out to be low iron store. Might be worth asking your midwife to check ALL your iron levels.
That's interesting cos they gave me very mixed advice re my iron at start. One saying I'd need tablets one adamant that'd upset my stomach as would give me too much iron. I have once been sent away from Give blood cos of my iron so I wonder if your right and some part of it is not quite right
@Katie it depends on what your levels are if they’re too low they’d give you a stronger dose of iron tablets. In my last pregnancy I got told I could use shop ones then at another appointment I was told they weren’t strong enough so had to have some on prescription
When I did try shop bought in past they did make me feel really bloated and uncomfortable like IBS symptoms so yeh maybe I just need a smaller boost. I had spaghetti bol last night and for lunch so have had some red meat haha.....
You can get oral iron spray if you find the tablets upset your stomach and the absorption is supposedly better than it is from the tablets
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@Tiffany I think it could be. But nope no confusion. It’s literally just feeling like my whole body goes clammy, and I go dizzy and pass out! I can tell when it’s coming and if I sit/lay down in time then I don’t pass out. It’s very bizarre!
@Clare interesting thank you!!
@Bec it sounds just like when I have my hypos tbh I can feel them coming and I get the shakes but then I can’t focus on anything I have to slowly work my way round the kitchen to get sugar and sit down x
I’ve always had similar symptoms although my iron levels are good and I’m eating red meat. Can never last longer than 3hrs without food even that is long and was like that before pregnancy.Due GD test in 2 weeks though.
I have these spells! I am being tested for gestational diabetes at week 27/28 x
Oooh keep us informed in this chat i wonder if we have save same thing. It's just a bit unnerving espesh if I'm not near food I worry I'm gonna collapse and I can't really explain it, sort of feel a bit out of my body?!
I keep reaching for sugary stuff but now wondering whether that's part of the issue
Hey, so I had very similar and constantly hungry all the time. Went for my first Gestational diabetes test last Thursday and I passed it however failed it the opposite way, my blood sugars where too low. So they want to monitor me for 2 weeks. I had to collect a glucose machine and prick my finger 4 times a day. I've been doing it for 2 days now and suprise suprise my sugars seem to be constantly low. I would ask for your sugars to be tested as I didn't even realise it was an issue xx
So does that mean you don't have gestational diabetes ? Is that when Sugars are too high?
No I haven't got Gestational diabetes because my blood sugars are never too high, they are too low. How did you get on? I'm still struggling keeping mine up above 4mmol x
Yes this happens to me, has done even before being pregnant to be fair!