@Elise aw I’m sorry to hear that, I feel you. Mine will be just under a year old when I go back and she’ll be in nursery Monday and Friday. My job doesn’t really let me do part time so it’s all or nothing. Problem is I can’t afford to drop my salary an awful lot or we won’t be able to cover our rent and bills etc as well as our own monthly payments. My partner and I have already cut down on everything that isn’t essential 😔
I went back to work this week and found the thought more difficult than actually going, I’m so happy to be back work, I get to be around adults x
@Ryan tbh a conversation with another adult does sound nice! I think I’d feel like this if it wasn’t for the environment more than the role If that makes sense?
I'm currently homeless (as in I'm staying with family until the council house me and my boy or I find somewhere private. I get UC on top of my maternity pay. I wouldn't even know where to start in regards to finding childcare. As a first time mum I'm so new to all of this.
I returned to work this week my little one is 7 months she's spending this month with her dad, I'm only working part time this month, then next month when I'm back full time she will be going to a childminder. At first I was so worried about her and so stressed about leaving her and upset. But actually I've enjoyed myself being around adults and having normal conversations. Part of me has mum guilt for enjoying being back to myself but I know my little one is going to love going to the childminder as she does so many fun activities with them and she will get to be around other children of a similar age so it will be good for her. X
I've just gone back to work and was dreading it. I was difficult I won't lie but you find that you're so busy and talking to adults it's easier once you there. I guess might be different when she starts nursery but her dad constantly sends me pictures and videos which is such a nice thing on my lunch break
I also return in March and actually had a full KIT day today which has helped me prepare for my return. I think the KIT days help with that transition back to work but in no way does it take away the anxiety I have about eventually leaving him 4 days 8 till 6. My concern is that I just feel so out of my depth, I have brain fog and I can barely string a coherent sentence together these days. I’ve always suffered with imposter syndrome and I just think it’s going to get worse once I return. I’ve also thought about other options as I’m currently in a very senior position but I just don’t know what I would do and I can’t afford to lose the income. I guess this is a long winded way of saying I know how you feel ❤️
I'm due to return in March I think, as my baby was premature. Full time in a doctors surgery. I won't be able to return full time as I don't have the money to cover childcare costs (he'll only be 9 months) I'm a single parent so nobody else to look after him.And I don't know if they'd be able to accommodate the few hours i could possibly do if i was to put him into childcare. I don't want to put him in childcare at 9 months, I don't want anyone else seeing his firsts before me lol. I don't know what I'm going to do.