My first was 41+3 My second was 40+3, no inductions, just let my body do its thing Also congratulations Glenda, being pregnant 5 times 🥴
My first was 40+4 and my second was right on my due date, no inductions with either pregnancy.
My first was 10 days before her due date and second 9 days before her due date. Idk how it will be with this baby pregnancy. Both my previous pregnancies I did have my 38 week appointment 2 days prior of going into labor(same ob) and she checked me with her fingers to see how dialated I was and so idk if that had anything to do with it.
@May thank you. I’m definitely done now 😅The first 4 are all boys and this one is our baby girl ♥️
My first was 40+3 days and second came 39+5 days. Only scheduled an induction for my first pregnancy but he decided to beat it and by the time it was time for me to go in for induction I was in full blown labor and already 5cm😂
Thanks ladies! I actually resorted to drinking midwives brew to get my first labor started, which I was originally totally against. However, once I hit 41 weeks I couldn’t take it anymore. Worked like a charm haha. Really hoping to go on my own this time and hopefully sooner. We shall see.
My second was a little early yeah, first one was late.
My first was 3 days late. My 2nd was 2 days early. My 3rd I was induced a week early because of low fluid and my 4th came on his exact date. Every pregnancy can be very different but seems like for me they’ve all came right about their due date. I’m due now with my 5th and I’m thinking she’ll also come right around her due date