I think it depends on the birth control. Maybe ask your doctor or Google your specific kind you are using. Some yo still ovulate because it affects you by like helping the sperm not stick. And some you don’t ovulate
It happens every day, all over the world. Especially if you do not take it within the same hour every day. That’s how my little sister came to be. My brother was being a week late on the shot. I have friends that have gotten pregnant with IUD’s.. the ring, the patch, and pills.. the only birth control that is 100% is abstinence 🤣
With my son I got pregnant on the pill. I took it the same time every day never missed one or anything. After my son was born I got the arm implant and had 2 miscarriages on it so technically I’ve gotten pregnant on 2 different birth controls.
@Megan wo incredibly sorry for your losses mama ❤️ but holy cow to getting pregnant 3 times in bc. You most be incredibly fertile!!
The weird part I have pcos which I only learned recently since we had test done since it took me over a year of trying to get pregnant with my current pregnancy
Have you taken a pregnancy test? My LH test was positive like this when I got pregnant lol.