Gavisgon for silent reflux advice

We've been prescribed gavisgon due to it being suspected that my LO might have silent reflux. I'm just looking for advice on how to prepare this with his feed as we had lumps left in a few bottles today and I wonder if we are doing something wrong. The instructions just say to add to formula feed so to try and avoid clumping we poured the water into the bottles (30mins after boiling), then added the gavisgon and swilled each bottle, then using an electric tool my boyfriend uses for coffee to dissolve that in each bottle first. We then added the formula scoops to each bottle, swilling in circles around 20 times then they sit in cold water for an hour before going in the fridge. Am I doing something wrong?
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When we used it we made the milk and added the gavisgon just before drinking after reheating the bottle and never had any lumps x

@Corin this makes so much more sense!! Unsure why we didn't think of that 😂 thank you

Haha, it's okay. We got used to doing it that way because we have carobel to thicken and needs to be drunk in around 15 mins once added, so it was more habit than anything, but hope it helps!!

When my little one had this I had all the same problems it kept clogging the bottle! In the end we mixed it up with water and then gave it during feeds with a calpol syringe x

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