Hates bath time

Little one has always loved bath time. Never been a massive fan of having hair washed but otherwise fine. Time with Dad to laugh and play. Suddenly hated baths. Literally happened overnight with nothing traumatic the day before. No idea where it’s come from but won’t even sit down in the bath anymore, insists on standing. Wondering if it’s a phase (like everything else) but sad to see. Anyone in the same boat?
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My LO is same, always loved them but absolutely hates them now. He’s seems to be better if I get in with him but still not great. Hoping it’s a phase as well.

Mine was the same, he got some new bath toys from a family member for Christmas and loves it again. Its a vtec set. Hes recently started to try to take his top off when I'm in the bath to get in

Its a phase, my eldest went through this & we just continued to bath her everyday as normal. It only lasted a few weeks or so & then she went back to enjoying bathtime again.

Mine went through this phase, one of us got in the bath with him and we got new toys and suddenly he loved baths again. We also do a long of singing and chatting during bath time esp when getting out x

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