Any tricks to get your baby to drink water?

He's 9months old and absolutely refuses to drink water. My pediatrician says he needs a little bit to help him poop now that he's eating solids like he is
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Put fruits in it put ina sippy cup

I didn’t have luck with the straw cup. So I tried open cup and it was a success. He loved drinking water from open cup. It was like a game for him I guess 😅 soon he started liking water. Then I tried the straw cup and had success.

thanks everyone! im trying these suggestions as well!

You can also try feeding water with a spoon if your baby likes being fed. My toddler loves cutlery!

I found that my lil one always wanted whatever was mine. So he was more inclined to drink from my water bottle or his dad’s, as opposed to his own. He also loved “adult” glasses/cups. Anything to feel big I guess lol. As others have also suggested, maybe infusing fruit into the water might help entice him with the taste.

My LO hate a sippy cup, would just chew the rubber. So I got a straw cup with handles and she absolutely loves water now

I'm stuck on this too, I've tried every cup going except for an open one amd still can't get her to drink water, we tried some apple juice in one of her old bottles yesterday and that worked and she drank a quatre of it (previously with water she's only had a couple swigs) the only thing that's worked for us so far is using one of her newborn bottles with the size 1 teat, maybe try that and build up from there, that's my plan anyway xxx

Get the pedialyte popsicles !!!!

Struggling with the same. Yesterday i tried squeezing some pomegranate seeds into water and gave her that with a spoon and also an open cup. She drank more water than usual

Also, how much water should a 10 month old be drinking in a day?

@Vishakha my pediatrician said 4ish oz a day

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