
What’s the youngest you would you take your baby on holiday?
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Took my first to Australia at 8 weeks old, basically as soon as we sorted passports. Will be the same for my newborn now. The sooner they start travelling the better and the easier. My toddler has been flying most months of her life now and doesn’t bat an eyelid at planes, broken routines, loud noises, long journeys.

We took ours at 4 months old. As first time parents and ones who had issues with breastfeeding and baby's slow weight gain, we weren't really able to manage it any earlier. However if everything goes smoothly then earlier would be ok, they're much easier to transport when they're small and it's so easy for them to sleep on the go!

So I’m due 28th march and I have a holiday booked for 2nd may! My worry is if I go over into April the baby will only be like 4 weeks old.. which I know the earlier the better but I worry because he wouldn’t of had any jabs, does this matter? As he won’t be going into their water or drinking the water as I’ll be getting bottled water

We took ours at 5 months and it was easier than older because he slept the journey, have to pack more milk bits though! X

My May baby isn't jabbed and been on plane 20 times. As long as you have passport and you feel well, you'll be fine. Hey a good baby carrier, it will help a lot

@Lenka that’s good to know are any of these places in Africa ? Like morocco etc? Xx

Took my baby at 6 weeks to Lanzarote 😍

@Kizzy Tunisia and canaries. Thinking of going Asia this year and not planning any jabs either

@Lenka is this okay? I’ve never had jabs myself but didn’t go abroad much when I was younger as my mums scared of planes lol so it was more wales type holidays lol🤣

@Kizzy they don't recommend travel jabs under 2 anyways 🙃 so if she's okay under 2, she will be okay later.

@Lenka okay thank you xx

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