When I felt good after delivery. About 4 weeks pp. Of course we haven't been to crowded places
We went out straight away xx
We went shopping at around 10 days. I had baby in her pram and hubby pushed through trolley. No issues. Basically do what you are comfortable with.
Well had to take him out after about 3 weeks when I dropped and picked my daughter up from nursery’s
The day after. Everyone’s different tho in their recovery x
We went out at the two week appt just to a small restaurant after the doctors
After 2 weeks
Practice the usual things such as keeping away from people as much as possible, especially anyone coughing/sneezing and handwashing etc. It is RSV season, so just be careful.
I took my baby to the shops the day after i had him because he was measuring huge so only had clothes from upto 1 month and up but then when he was born he was so small so he needed first size clothes etc so we needed to go buy some but i didn't wanna leave him either. He was fine and it was nice for us to get out x
We waited 5/6 weeks and I was still super cautious about going to public places until after 8 weeks, and still am. Baby is now 15 weeks. I was and am super anxious about flu season. Super anxious in general. I think it's just a case of do what is best for you and your family.
I was at baby bunting the day after I gave birth 😂 I waited in the car but still. I was out and about after a week. I regret it and hated it cause I was so overstimulated. Made sure baby was well covered and no one went near him.
My baby is 6 wks now and we've only just been out for a short walk today with her. She has her vaccines coming up and i don't want to risk her getting ill before then so likely won't be taking her out again until after she's 8 wks. I wanted to avoid her getting ill when she's so little, plus it's been so cold!
The same day we left the hospital, had to go to the shops to buy formula as I couldn't get bubba to latch to breastfeed.
1st day going home needed baby items and 1st week groceries etc …
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At 2 weeks old we started our weekly church and grocery store trips. But that was about it until 6 weeks.
1 week after we had to go see the midwife, figured we might as well pop to the shops after. Went to a shopping center at day 9 or smt but that was harder on me than baby
We still don't go anywhere crowded. We've gone to the mall and store but only when it isn't busy. Have only met up with people outside mostly when we can with the weather ( in Canada). Do what you're comfortable with but cold, rsv and flu season keeps us mostly away from people.
3 months, my mom came and we did traditional postpartum confinement the first month which I am so thankful for. And the only place that baby we other then being home with me was to my mom's till his 100 day celebration. But I probably would have gone out after the first month with him if I didn't have these family traditions.
Both babies went out as soon as I was discharged. Pub lunch and Costco on day 4/5 with my first.
I went for a walk round the block day 4 - I had stiches and it was December so freezing 😂😂 It’s when you are ready - there is no rule. You will go INSANE staying in your house, also might create anxiety for when you do eventually venture out. It’s literally when you are ready :) We did supermarket shops and meals out from a week old - I was feeling good and confident and could walk to places easily
The next day
About 4 days
Almost straight away. We had a midwife appointment with our second so had to go out as she couldn’t come to ours. Plus when you have a second you still need to take them to school and all their activities ect.
We started around the 4 week mark to make little short trips whilst partner was still around so we got used to what it involves and what can happen. We did also go for a xmas light trail 10 days after my section with him, in minus 2 degrees. He was fine, I was *not* 🫣😅 But for general outings around 4 weeks. We went to cafes and all sorts just enjoying life, but we never put him down on surfaces, just pram/held him and we didn't let people touch until much later. We also carried hand sanitiser etc
went to the pub after like 4 days (but during the day when it was quiet) 🤣 there’s no guidance for how long you need to keep baby at home for, just whatever you’re most comfortable with. i’d personally avoid busy and confined places, just to avoid catching a cold or anything though. i just needed to get out the house for my own sanity!
Day 8 when he was registered we went to the park & carried on going out from then on
Other than hospital appointments etc I would say around 2 weeks but mainly because I was so unwell. There's no way my mental well-being could have coped staying in the house for 6 weeks.
I’m such an advocate for exposing them to the outside because if you hide them from all germs and things the second they get ill it’s gonna hit them ten times worse. We went to Wetherspoons day 3😂she slept the entire time and only got out the buggy for cuddles with my family. She’s 9 months old and never even had a common cold and I know I’m lucky but I think people can also be over cautious xx
Went out 2 days after my C-section and continued going out daily after that
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@Aaliyah yesss get them loving spoons young 🤣🤣
We took baby boy for his first meal out at 5 days old. Then at 13 days old we started baby massage groups and baby groups!
@Aaliyah haha spoons now that is grubby exposure!! I totally agree, we have never been precious (obviously avoided covid and family members colds) but I still BF during my colds and he’s been the healthiest 2 year old to date with no time off nursery..safe for HFM one time Yes every child is different but it’s played a part for sure
We went out straight away.