Second baby ready?

I just now literally just now realized that if I get pregnant he wouldn’t be the only baby and I am not well 😭😭 He needs siblings and I want that too but rn I cannot stop crying
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There are pros and cons to both sides of having a second or not. I feel the same internal debate myself. It all comes down to you though. Can you financially afford it? Food, clothes, college, etc. Can you mentally handle it? Pregnancy and there after with a young child with a brand new baby? People have wonderful experiences with 2 and may struggle. But find it worth the sacrifice on themselves. People have one and decide that's enough. They just make sure that the child gets the proper attention as to never feel lonely. Play dates and extracurricular. It's such a hard decision. I constantly debate it myself. This kid is EXPENSIVE to say the least lmao. But we're deciding to hold out and see how everything turns out as time goes on. It's up to you! You decide what's best for your family. If that's another kid, then you guys do it!! It's all up to you and i wish you all the happiness 💗💗

I wanted a second asap for a few reasons and it hasn’t happened yet which is a good thing in some ways. I feel the same way about him not being my whole world anymore but I think the good definitely outweighs the bad. As they get older they will be able to fill the big brother role and that can be fun for some kids.

We decided to wait to have another til my daughter is between 3-4. Reasons mostly being extra bonding time and not wanting to be pregnant with an active toddler wanting me to play with her. But also want my first to be more independent and helpful. Then there is a part of me that is like, nahhh I could just have 1. Doing all the naps and everything all over again lol but my husband thinks it's messed up to have only one 😓 There are definitely days too where I'm like I can just do it now and have all the hard stuff at once.

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