@Lisa wow! That is amazing!
Still breastfeeding, my period came back 15 months postpartum
My son self weaned at a year. i was only doing like 2 or 3 feeds, and then once he tasted full cream milk, he didn't want me anymore 😄. I got my period back when my son was 9 months old. I never co slept as that was the most evil thing to do back then (we were strongly advised not to my doctors specialist nurses, etc and we hae no idea so went with that they said), but I still had lots of cuddles. I think my son was getting ready to wean.
I got my period back straight away and caught on pregnant pretty much straight away there is 13month between my too I would have a full milk bottle on hand so she would get used to that I tandem fed till daughter was 18months and little man stopped at 18months too I would sly give him full milk when he got sleepy and eventually he just wanted that not me always co slept and then would move into next to me crib so I could have some more restful sleep they will both end up in with us when waking in the night there only little once I say my daughter is sleeping threw some nights think it's me who misses the cuddles more
Thank you for your experiences mamas. How did you manage the pain from being full all the time when your baby started to wean?
I didn't notice it as my son was cutting down his feeds little by little. i think they just adjusted (like when they produce more when going through growth spurts or what have you but just sort of the opposite). i may have been in pain for a week or so, but I just had a warm/hot shower and pain relief (like paracetamol or ibuprofen), and that helped they did leak til my son was about 2 and a half not like huge amounts just drops every now and then and not every day just occasionally. Maybe chat with your health nurse or doctor and see if there is any way to help. I've heard cabbage leaves help.
Hey mama! I’m currently 20 weeks pregnant and still breastfeeding my 14 month old baby. I got my period right after I stopped having those postpartum bleeds lol I had no breaks.
We stopped at 17 months but slowly reduced feeds so I had no issues with my milk supply. She was ready and wasn’t upset when we stopped because of how gradual it was, but it wasn’t quite a self wean. We were in the same position wanting another baby but I didn’t want to stop breastfeeding just to get pregnant but I felt this was the right time. I didn’t get my period properly until we stopped and then I got pregnant within 3 months. Seeing how developed my daughter is now, I’m actually really looking forward to this age gap! ❤️
I breastfed 17 months but I work FT with my son in daycare, so I stopped pumping at 12 months and switched him to cows milk. My supply went down gradually as I pumped less and less but we still nursed at home. Eventually he got hand foot and mouth disease from daycare and it hurt his mouth to nurse, so he was just drinking from a cup... After that my supply went down so much that he quickly decided a cup was better! 🥲
I got my period back 3 months after I had the kid but I nursed to just shy of 18 months but baby didn't want it after that so I stopped nursing I pumped some to store it for sick days etc but I just quit mostly it was super painful for about 6 months off and on but I got through it with cabbage lol
Thank you mamas! I’ll have to pick up some cabbage.
I breastfed for nearly 4 years, that was when she self weaned. I had a regular period from when she was 9 months old.