Any advice for a first time mum who’s losing her marbles in her baby bubble?

My little girl is 3 weeks old and she’s perfect! I’m honestly in love and obsessed with her. But I’m slightly beginning to lose my mind with this new schedule All I do is change nappies, breastfeed and put baby to sleep, as well as regular housekeeping etc. pretty much around the clock. I have no sense of outside what so ever, it feels like I’m in a different dimension 😅
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It does get easier ❤️ my first baby it would take me like 2 hours to get ready, I’d be leaving the door and she’d vomit. Back inside, new clothes, nappy change, oh she’s crying. I felt like I never got outside. Make a little to go bag always stocked and ready by the door. Let the housework slide for a week and just try to get outside for a walk. Take her to the shops, get on a bus, walk to the park and listen to some music. The bubble is lovely but at the beginning it felt a bit suffocating for me till I realised babies are super flexible and I just needed to organise myself better too xx

Congrats btw, I have a 3 week old too! Xx

@Sarah ahh I’m glad I’m not alone! I genuinely have no concept of anything else in life at the moment 😅 I’m also literally drenched in spit up down my right shoulder but I’ve told her to challenge me as mama has baggy t shirts galore! 😂 And if I’m honest I know the weather is super cold so there’s not much reason to be out but I do feel like I’m just turning in circles in my house!

Not there yet myself but it sounds like you’re doing amazing so pat yourself on the back first and foremost! Perhaps you could incrementally build up, so start with a walk around the block just to get some fresh air and break the mould a bit? That way you’re still only a few mins walk if you need to go home :) Or if you feel like it would help then invite someone you trust to be helpful to come over and join you for the walk (or better for them to stay at your place and do some of the housework whilst you go for a walk ;)

@Sarah and congratulations to you too!! We are in the same boat! 😅❤️

@Kathryn thank you and thank you for the ideas! I did take a walk with my partner and dog a few days ago which I think has got me feeling like this. It was like a different land… although it’s just my local area 😅 I do have a few visitors this month. Its seems like everyone has come down with flu which is why they are currently far and few

We have a WhatsApp group for mum’s to be and mums of all ages, drop me a message if any of you ladies want to join the chat, ask and help with advice x

Google baby classes and start to come up with a schedule for them. As great as they are for babies, it's mostly for the mums. Even if they are sleeping still go. They can sleep the whole time and you get adult interaction. Walk around the neighbourhood. Put baby in a warm outfit and get outside. Fresh air is good for baby and really good for helping you recover

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