Wind and screaming during feeding... Teething?

My boy has always been a great bottle feeder but in the last week feeding has been hell. He is screaming throughout every feed and clearly uncomfortable but wants to feed, he is teething and lots of saliva. Does anyone have any tips how to help him feed more comfortably?
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I’ve been going through this with my little boy. Anbesol works great and I let him have a good chew on a frozen teething toy before a feed and it helps. If it’s really bad I give him calpol which then helps him x

@Ellen, thank you, although that sounds like it's more pain related than wind if I'm not mistaken?

@Becky yeah it’s the teething pain. Sorry, thought that’s what you were asking about x

@Ellen no it's ok, as it's still helpful info. I think the teething is causing the wind x

Could little bub have a milk allergy? My little girl was like this and since being on prescription milk she is 10x better, even when she’s showing teething signs. But also, have you tried Infacol as it may be the wind causing the issues? My little girl is also on infacol(GP recommended it before every feed) and she’s been great!

Try infacol before each feed

@Steff when did that develop? He's been on goats milk Nannycare since early on. x

@Becky around 2&half/3 months. I also had a thought, could it be that bub needs a bigger teat size? Maybe the screaming is frustration and screaming can cause wind too🫣 it’s so hard to know what’s going on with our little ones so I hope you find the cause soon! X

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