Potty Training - pooing

Around September, when my little girl went back to nursery after summer break, she started actively showing an interest in using the toilet at nursery. She very quickly became very confident at using the toilet or potty for wees, and since then we've only had the occasional wee accident where she's been too involved in playing etc. She's even happily used public toilets with me holding her over the "grown up" toilet. However, pooing is an entirely different story. She has apparently done a couple of poos in the toilet at nursery but never at home. She still has a nappy on for night time because she likes to drink at bed time and for naps. Typically, she will wait until she is in her nappy to poo. Or she will have regular accidents in her pants. I cannot get her to tell me when she needs to poo, she will just disappear or go quiet and come back and tell me she's pooed. Today is my day off with her alone so I've watched her like a hawk for signs she needs to go. She started pulling faces and fussing with her trousers so I persuaded her to go and sit on her mini toilet. She sat for about 3 minutes and then pulled up her pants and insisted she was done. There was no getting her back on it. She came back to play with her potty right by her and then she just did it in her pants again. It's so hard to stay calm in these situations because it's SO frustrating. I don't know how I'm ever going to get her to go on the toilet, I really don't. She's so good at taking herself for a wee too! Does anyone have any advice? X
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I asked for advice similar on a baby FB group and somebody recommended the YouTube video "poo goes to pooland". It's really bloody weird (so apologies in advance) but my son is now pooing on the potty and gets excited to send his poo down the toilet to "pooland". I'm working up to the toilet, but it's a start as he was only pooing in a nappy too

My son so far has cracked it but I have been very honest when myself and my husband go, we basically shout it out 😂 poor neighbours… I also say how great his poo is and he gets all excited to take it to the toilet to flush it.

My little boy would NEVER poo on the potty, we brought the ladders and mini toilet set from Smyths and he loved to go on a real toilet, I think because he was tall it’s just an awful position to go in and really potty’s are just a big to small for some little ones!

My son was similar. Wees we’re fine but poos we’re just like he didn’t even comprehend he needed to poo and then would just go in his pants. This went on for like 1.5 months. I tried everything to get him to go on the loo and on the end REALLY randomly one day he just was like I need a poo and ran to the toilet and did it and has done since. Really odd and don’t think it was anything we did. I heard something about putting a nappy in the potty so they feel like something catching it. Or before that even sitting on the potty with the nappy on to do a poo first and then slowly like remove.

Going through similar, she did one once and freaked out and didn't do it again. She held it in until she had a nappy on at bedtime or she does it in her pants. Very frustrating when we've spent 20 mins in the bathroom or 1000 bathroom trips in the day but every time she did it I got her to come upstairs to put it in the potty and said goodbye to it when we flushed and reminded her that we do it in the potty now like a big girl. This week she's been better she's had 2 on the potty, one when I had to sit her on as she was squeezing and today she did it off her own back which was amazing so lots of praise and fingers crossed shes getting used to it now🙈 We now say the poo poo has gone to a poo poo party down the toilet with its friends so she seems to like that idea, silly but they love it haha

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