Tongue tie procedure

Has anyone's Little one had their tongue tie cut? Can you tell me what to expect at the appointment please nd which hospital you had it done at?
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Hey! My little one had his tongue tie cut at 8 days old as it was affecting his latch whilst feeding. The actually procedure took seconds and was over very quickly but the appointment took about 45 minutes as they have to talk you through it all and then they support you to feed baby once the tie has been cut. We went to Colchester and was overall a positive experience - our little one is no 11 weeks and we have no issues with feeding anymore 😊

My older daughter who is now 10 and half years old had hers done at the west Middlesex hospital. Can’t remember exactly how old she was but roughly between 1 and 2 weeks old. It was a very quick procedure - she cried for seconds and stopped as soon as I put her on the boob. I was very anxious about it but soon found out there was no reason to be. She’s a big girl now and have no issues with speech and the feeding became so much easier right after the procedure. Best of luck and don’t worry about it too much 🫶🏼

We had ours privately as she had not been assessed properly in time, and my anxiety due to her weight was going through the roof. The midwife came into our home, and as @Megan described, all went well. I am kicking myself for not pushing it sooner and that i didn't do it for my son...

@Rasa how old was you LO?? X

Mine had his done at 6weeks at a outpatients place in Leicester. Was a vet quick procedure. He did cry. Tried to bf but was still having issues so gave him a bottle and was fine. We never got to bf the same as pre nipple shields, (pre tt cut) but now I pump and bottle feed formula. The osteopath I went to did suggest it has reattached or is scar tissue. Which I had a feeling as he is clicking with a bottle again. He is now 12weeks old and unsure whether to get it re done or not.

11 weeks

We got it done at a private clinic at 7 weeks as couldn't get it done under the NHS in our area (massive waiting list). The appointment was over in about 10-15 mins, they asked me questions about feeding then did some checks and an assessment of the tie and how it was affecting him. And from this assessment determined that it was severe and he would be better having the procedure. We signed a consent form and then he had the procedure there and then and it was over before I even realized they did anything, he cried when they did it and had some blood in his mouth but calmed down quickly when he was back with me. They gave me some tips on exercises for him and then we were on our way home. It wasnt an immediate fix for the breastfeeding issues for us but I think it didnt help that we had waited until 7 weeks. He was totally fine after the procedure and didn't show any signs that he was in pain from it after.

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