Probably would take around 30-40 mins to fill a bottle? Probably all depends on how much supply you have aswell I guess! Xx
I pump after feeds because that way I feel I'm not interrupting the milk she can drink and also help my supply at the same time by draining my boobs. It usually takes me 2 pumps after a feed to get 150ml. First one I do at around 7am when she wakes up for a feed (100ml), and another after 2/3 feed so 11/12ish (50ml)... Each pump is 15-20 minutes. Hope that helps
I could do just one pump but I don't want to get up in the night to do it, in-between her feeds 🥴 my baby goes to bed pretty late so that's what works for us
My partner gives him a bottle at his first wake during the night, usually 1am and then when I get up with him around 4/5am I feed off one boob, and pump the other, and then when he’s finished feeding pump the one he just fed from. This milk will then be the following nights 1am bottle. I was using a manual tommee tippee pump for a while which did the job, but recently switched to the pippeta hand free pump. Now if he ever has a long sleep or I feel particularly full, I’ll pump and pop this in the freezer. I don’t feel like I’ve increased my supply doing this, and it’s useful to have a little back stock in the freezer so I can nip out and not have to worry.
@Chloe Do you only pump the one time? Or do you pump more throughout the day?😊
@Chloe Hi Chloe your message is very helpful, I was wondering at 4/5 am do you usually feed him only from one side ?
I do this 😊. My baby goes down to sleep at 7.30 and then I just pump once in the evening when baby is in bed it helps that she is sleeping longer streaks so I usually pump at around 10/11 just for 5 minutes of each side and then this is 100ml and is then used for the next day. I find this helps me from leaking during the night and my boobs from getting too engorged.
Hey I pump once a day after her morning feed as soon as she wakes up for the day get about 5oz xx
@Ileana yes I only ever feed off one side, I know they say to do both but I never have and it’s never caused an issue! Atleast by feeding off one and pumping the other I know they’re both getting sufficiently emptied as opposed to only half and half xx
@Jessica more often than not I’ll pump once during the day, so I can add to the freezer, but not always! I like to have a little stock in the freezer so that if I want to go out for an hour, or go for a long nap my partner can grab some milk without needing to wake me or thinking crap I can’t go out I don’t have any milk ready! It’s made me feel like I have a lot more freedom (albeit I’ve left him once)😂😂😂
I pump once a day when my partner is feeding the baby with milk I previously pumped the day before. When my little girl was about six weeks I decided I want to give her one bottle of expressed milk a day, I spent that day collecting milk until I got about 5 ounces. I then had my partner feed her the 5 ounces the next day and pumped while he was feeding her. I normally make about 5/6 ounces per session, which usually takes about 20 minutes. I put 5 ounces in the fridge everyday for the next day and freeze any extra for any emergencies that may come up, hope this helps. Oh btw I use an electric wireless pump I got off Amazon and it works great for me!
Hey, I pump for one bottle a day for last night time feed at 830, it is quite hard for me to fit it into my day as I still don’t solely trust the pump and feel as though I have to sit down to do it.. and am always busy 😂even tho it’s one with no wires and a walk around one! You can probably do a pump for a bottle just the once, it’s better to do it in a morning as you have way more supply, In the evening I find that it’s hard to get supply! Hope that helps if you have any questions just ask x