@Charlotte thank you so much. I’ll try this!!
We tried in summer and he wasn’t ready so we tried again at Christmas. We did a day or two half naked and then he asked for pants. We were very lucky as he needed no reminding or prompts and knew to take himself to the potty. We went overkill with the praise (high 5’s, cheering, dancing etc). He actually hates being reminded to go and it makes him grumpy. Took less than two weeks. It’s so different for them all but there’s kids at his nursery who are 3 already and not potty trained so don’t worry if he doesn’t get it straight away. You could try sitting next to him whilst he’s on the potty and reading a story? Just thinking if he doesn’t follow instructions he may need an incentive to sit on it 🙂 And as above accidents are not a drama! Took me longer to toilet train our puppy 😅🤣
@Francesca I love this! Thank you so much.!!! How did you go about to start exactly? Did you talk to him and then did the half naked day. Or did you start putting him on in the mornings and started from there? Sorry for the questions 🥲 love the story time idea. I think that should help
One morning I just took his nighttime nappy off and didn’t put anything else on! It was chilly so we purchased him a toddler snuddie so it was easy for him to lift up but he was still warm. He’s always been familiar with the potty as we have it around and he always comes to the toilet with me 🤣 I think it was the praise that really drove him!
Follow the tips given here by others and if after a few weeks you find he's not grasping it or he's getting upset then pause and try again in a month or so. My son wasn't ready when we first started so we left it. He got it in phases. During the summer he was naked from the waist down at home and would always go for a wee on the potty and sometimes poos. He could never manage it with trousers on, he'd always use his nappy or have accidents. We started again in November and he's doing really well. 9/10s he will tell us he needs to go and he will use the toilet or potty but weirdly he hates underpants. He will wear a nappy but he keeps it clean 🤷🏻♀️ We used to tell him when we need to use the toilet and let him follow us to he could see how grown ups do it. There was lots of praise when he got it right and we left the potty in the same place so he always knew where to go if he needed it!
Thank you all so much for the tips and encouragement. I’m going to start tomorrow and follow your tips and tricks! 🥹 really appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️
We tried the method where you spend a few days (3/4) in the house and have them naked from the waist down and set a timer for every half an hour and take them to the toilet. It’s worked pretty well. It says also not to shame for accidents and just remind them that pees/poos go in the potty and not on the floor, clean up and continue the same x