Green poos driving me bonkers!

My baby is 12 weeks old. Since around 8 weeks her poos have been consistently green- either greeny yellow or quite dark green. At first I thought this was just down to breast feeding (I EBF) as I have an oversupply and my first daughter also used to get green nappies as a result but now I'm not sure as its so consistent... I also wondered if it could be longer term reaction to rotavurus vaccine as poos began at 8 weeks just after this (apparently it can stay in their system for up to 28 days? She's now just had the second one this week- poos went even dark green/diarrheay and then I ended up in A&E as there was a little streak of mucusy blood in a nappy. Paediatric doc then said could be a CMPA allergy and to try cutting dairy out for 4 weeks to see if its that. So I guess my question is, has anyone else experienced something similar and what did it turn out to be? I should add weight gain is good/no reflux and she's a happy baby most of the time. Would love to know if anyone else is having this problem- I'd just love to go back to seeing yellowy/orange poos again 🥴
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I’ve heard green poo can be CMPA but I’ve also heard it can be too much fore milk and not getting to the fatty part of the milk. That could be why if you have an over supply ?

We had green poo over here for weeks too!! Before jabs though. Our was exactly cooked spinach colour. It’s weirdly frustrating isn’t it, was soooo happy to see a yellow poo after that! No health professionals were concerned at all

@Katie thank you that's reassuring! And you never knew what the problem was? X

@Jessica yes i had assumed this but now worry it might be something different as I do make sure she feeds fully on one side before other which should have ruled this out 🤷‍♀️unless I just have very unbalanced boobs!?

Nope, not a clue! Nothing else was going on for her at all. I could even tell by the sound when she pooed 😆 like ‘ugh it’s another green one. Sounded kind of balloon-like if that makes any sense at all! I kept asking around but be a she was putting on weight, feeding well, peeing and passing wind plus happy enough, nobody seemed at all concerned!

Do you swap breasts when feeding? I know you said you have an over supply so that could definitely contribute but like someone else said, getting more fore milk can make them more greeny, which can happen if you swap between breasts during feeds as opposed to alternating every feed (so one feed=one side) xx

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