i started taking primal queen beef organs and i got pregnant the month i started taking them! idk if it was just a coincidence but im convinced it was the beef organs! they’re so good for you! https://primalqueen.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=20851725796&utm_content=&utm_term=&gadid=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAqOcM845lJUJtxRwkXpopJigXi2CT&gclid=CjwKCAiAp4O8BhAkEiwAqv2UqLo3dAs4DwM1qOCgjjR7CanZ90TgDp-sBUybhLoP2vrckiGw8O0pMRoCoX8QAvD_BwE
Ovum fertility supplement x
The book It starts with the egg really helped me TTC. There is a section on supplements so you can form a view what's right for you. I took a food based multivitamin, extra vit C and D, omega 3, extra folate, inositol (to help regulate my cycle), coenzyme q10 to help egg quality and NAC which is an antioxidant. It sounds a lot but I had 2 consecutive miscarriages and felt like I needed to give my body the best chance. Hopefully you won't need all that and just a good multivitamin with a high enough vit d and folate dose is enough! The My Expert Midwife multivitamins have good levels of what you need and are often on offer at Boots. Good luck!
I took the fanciest prenatals for years and years, until I gave up basically, 4 years into TTC. After 2 years not taking anything and not trying, I got pregnant. Lesson? It probably doesn’t make that much difference - if you’re going to take one, just pick one and stick with it.
I'm just taking a multivitamin with iron , folic acid and vitamin D x