@Cesca thank you! Is it worth keeping whatever i do get even if its very small?? X
I’ve tried for almost a week now and no luck getting anything more than a glisten. It’s a good sign you have something so it should increase the more you go at it :) I’d freeze anything you get and start a new syringe daily. x
@Sarah keep trying you never know it may come ☺️ thanks for the advice xx
@Danielle yes definitely worth keeping any little bit you have, even 0.1ml!! ☺️
At the start I was struggling but it can be kept in fridge for 3 days before freezing, try to collect into a bottle a few times a day and then collect into a syringe :) and then in no time you’ll start producing more. I went from a few drops to 5ml each session xx
@Savannah awwww ok brilliant thank you. X
@Becca oh thats a good idea rather than collecting in the syringe each time thank you xx
@Danielle tbh it’s so much easier and quicker, you get air bubbles if you try to collect into the syringe and I find it all fiddly. Bottles are the way to go! Xx
I found at the start it was okayish. What helped me was a warm shower, massage and then collecting one side while keeping a warm heat pack on the other side, put something distracting on- music/movie/tv show. Also watching a video on how to hand express might help. I’ll be honest while it isn’t recommended I did use my pump to collect colostrum. I was doing this once per night from 38wks and was filling 7ml syringes.
In the fridge for up to 24hrs, then into the freezer 😀 it does get easier the more you do it, especially after a warm bath or shower. However dont be disheartened if you dont manage much - i couldnt get any with my first and she was ebf until 1.5 years