Really sorry for your losses. I hope that you’re getting the care and support that you need 🤍 thank you for replying. How long after your miscarriages did you try again to conceive? All questions I didn’t remember to ask my gp after my appt today x
When I had a miscarriage just before 6 weeks the bleeding lasted for around a week, sort of like a period. So sorry this is happening to you
I had a crazy experience after first miscarriage fell preg again 2 wk later without realising but lost that too 5 wk mark. After going through that 2 cycles ina row took a break for a bit then looked into ivf. Did my first transfer this Xmas after a year took it slowly but same thing again. They usually say wait for pregnancy to pass and test to be negative then depends on how u feel as to when you feel ready to try again
Thank you both for your replies. It feels like a weight lifted being able to share similar stories of loss. So sorry to hear about your losses Pav. Sounds so heart wrenching, especially getting pregnant and feeling like you can’t enjoy the experience because of the fear of loss. I really hope it works out for you and you get your healthy baby 🤍
Yeh I gotta say after a loss you never see pregnancy same again always on edge
I bled for 4 weeks after my miscarriage which was about the same as my bleeding after giving birth to my 2 older children I will say like that the first period after my miscarriage was intense x
I am so sorry for your loss. I've had 3 and I've noticed the bleeding seems shorter and less painful the earlier it happens i had a Mc at 6 weeks and only bled for a couple weeks but my 13 week miscarriage was incredibly painful and bled on and off for about 6 weeks
Thank you for all your replies and so sorry for all your loses. It’s really heartbreaking to hear so many similar experiences shared x
Hi I’m about to go through my 3rd miscarriage all been around 5wk mark usually only couple of days as early so like your usual period but more intense cramps. They usually say take preg test 2 wk later and should b negative