Dealing with lots of anxiety

Hi.. i‘m a first time mom.. i‘m 9.6 weeks pregnant. I‘m dealing with the anxiety that something will happen to the baby especially scared about babys heart that it will stop and i won‘t even know.. i had yesterday a fight with my husband and now i‘m in fear that this could cause harm to baby all my stress or crying.. i had a checkup 2 days ago and everything was fine but there is still this huge fear and i don‘t know how to deal with it..
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I really feel you, I was the same in the first trimester. It’s a reality that things can go wrong at this stage, but if you’ve already had a scan and everything looked good that’s a great sign. Have you spoken to your obgyn about your anxiety? Mine was great at talking me off the ledge (and even gave me an off-schedule scan to put my mind at ease.) My friend had a previous MC, her doctor did similar. Also worth knowing - your emotions at this stage are unlikely to cause any harm. Pregnancy is emotional - that’s those powerful hormones at work - the human race would be doomed if that overwhelmingly caused issues. So try to keep calm for your own good, but heaven forbid if something happened, it wouldn’t be on you - likely chromosomal or similar; part of nature that is horrible but blameless. Hang in there - in a few more weeks you’ll be in the second trimester and the statistics swing overwhelmingly in your favor. The fear doesn’t go away but it gets easier

@Maddy maddy you are wonderful! I appreciate your text so much! Truly from all of my heart- thank you!

Yeah mine started at around week 9, didn't go away until this week (baby is 4m old) when I finally thought 'I think he's OK'. Someone told me when I was pregnant 'welcome to being a mother'. Honestly it just irritated me as I was drowning in anxiety. The only advice I have for you is do an amniocentesis (and absolutely do NIPT obviously). Amnio has 1% chance of causing a miscarriage, but I had measurements I didn't like the look of in later weeks onward (from 17ish weeks) and it stressed me out so badly when it got worse and worse by week 32. My bp was going up too, and I had to be induced at 35w due to severe pre-eclampsia. I wonder how much stress played a role in my development of pre-eclampsia.

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