After potty training (removing nappies)

Did you find that after you removed your LOs nappy that they were able to have longer stretches between pees? Like they're more aware of what their body is doing? We've not taken my 2 year old son's pull ups off yet but I'm worried because he can have quite short stretches between pees and I feel like it's just going to be a bit of a nightmare in terms of accidents 😅
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They quickly learn and to start with just take him every half hour to the potty

Yes. My daughter started 2 weeks ago and she can go about 2-3 hours between most of the time. If he isn't showing signs of being ready it probably will be a lot of accidents.

He's been doing well using the potty the last few months generally, but he's not at the point where he actually takes himself to it when he needs to go or tells us in some way (he's not speaking much yet). I know the pull ups probably don't help in the respect that they can't feel when they're wet, but I'm just really hesitant to try him without them yet if he can't manage to go longer stretches. It doesn't help that constipation may not be allowing him to empty his bladder very well (he's currently on lactulose so 🤞 hopefully that helps in the long run). Sorry for rambling, it's just one of many things playing on my mind! 😅😂

My daughter wasn't telling us but after a few days of no pull up she started telling us everytime.

Oh really @Natalie ? That's good to know! Thank you 😊

I remind and ask him hourly. I still remind him now that he’s 5. He’s been trained since 2y3m

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