No to shoes in the house!

Why would I want the contents of shoes in my house? Shit, piss, spit, spunk, blood, germs, mud ect ect especially after I’ve just moped the floors. Isn’t the shoe bench enough to hint that?
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I don't love shoes in the house but the area of CA my mom was from it was rude to ask people to take off their shoes. So I never ask


@AnnieI don’t ask, however if someone asked I’d say yes please. If I ever go to anyone’s house I take off my shoes straight away, personally feel it’s respectful

My MIL never takes her shoes off when coming into our house.. you’re really gonna stain my carpet with your dirty ass shoes?? 🙄

@LindsayThis post was about my MIL and in my head I was thinking get your dirty arse shoes off my rug! 😄My back hurts from cleaning my house, including mopping the floors, now I have to do it again because her dutty shoes 💩

I have a sign on my door to take off shoes. The dogs even get their paws wiped when they come inside. I hate a dirty floor

@Keona I may need to invest in one! 👀

Yesss. The only exceptions i have is when im having parties.

I have a floor mat that says “take off your fucking shoes, please”

If you come in my house and don’t take your shoes off immediately I’m definitely judging you, how you were raised and would never eat in your home either 🤣🤣🤣

We have wood floors. We also have four cats and I’d rather wear shoes just incase i stepped in something like cat sick which I have done in socks. Plus I’m constantly going to the bin or hanging up the washing.

I could never ever wear shoes in my house or anyone else's house. When I've been over to people's houses and they say it's okay keep them on I automatically take them off lol. Outside shoes indoors is 🤮. I have a pair of indoor shoes/slippers I put on if I really want something on my feet lol

@Sarah love this

@Karen no judgement in your own home, your home, your rules ✌🏼

No I can’t do it! When I go to others places I always ask if they want my shoes off. I tend to take them off even if they say no. Just feels weird with shoes on!

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I just tell people to remove their shoes. It was worse when we had carpet, I would literally not let anyone walk in until the shoes were off. Now we have wood I know I can at least mop it, but I do still ask people to take their shoes off if they are staying.

I don’t understand people who keep their shoes on!!! I feel really awkward when people try to walk through my house and I have to ask them to take their shoes off!!! Particularly now baby boy is crawling… yuck, think about what your shoes step in 🤢 My mum has “house shoes” and has a pair at our house too cause she like having something on her feet but gets the germs thing 🤣

Everyone removes their shoes when they come into mine I don’t have to say anything even a party they remove their shoes and I do the same to them. If I have to ask I will but to date I’ve never needed to. There’s like 20 pairs of shoes at my front hallway when I’m hosting

No shoes 👟 idc how much u mop 😂 it’s unsanitary

My MIL is the only person I know that tries to come in my house with shoes on. Sometimes I have to physically stop her from going any further as she just doesn’t won’t to take them off. Nope nope nope you can’t come in then.

@Kee strange there seems to be a theme with MILs, thinking about it she is, I believe, the only person that does it!!

If people don’t automatically remove their shoes at the door then I will ask, I’m not even sorry. I don’t want outside germs on my carpet where my 2 babies crawl around 🥲

Where I am it's just common decency to take shoes off before entering a house. I read it was more commonly a Canadian thing? Dunno if that's true. What I do find weird is I have a SIL who won't allow bare feet, so if you show up in sandals, she'll make you wear her own rank ass slippers. I only made this mistake once, now I'm careful to never show up there without socks.

@Melissa I’ve never heard of that! Maybe she just hates feet in general 😂

Each to their own, it’s no shoes in our house but I know other people homes are the type where you keep shoes on. Lots of people who live rurally, have animals, real fireplaces etc here keep shoes on.

Nooope! Shoes are a NO NO inside my house. I’m a little extreme I think I have had to mark a point in my hall that we don’t allow ANYONE for any reasons past with shoes on. My kids walk around without shoes or socks on .. play on the floors .. I don’t want that Blegh from outside all over my clean house and causing my kiddos to possibly get sick xx

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