@Katherine-Anne thank you so much 🥹 I feel like a potato lol
@CC thank you ☺️ this is my first pregnancy and everything is new. Im glad im not the only one! And yes i want a little chubby man lol🥰
You look stunning😍! i would not give a bamn about the comments. Can I ask where the dress is from? 🥰
You are beautiful!! I gained 50 pounds at 7months and now im trying to maintain at doctors orders. You got this and everyone's body is different.
Hey girl, not sure why this has popped up as I’m in the UK and have already had my rainbow baby🥰but I just wanted to pop on here and say you look amazing! I too was on a weight loss journey and had finally reached my goal when I found out I was pregnant. I gained 77 pounds in total over the course of my pregnancy and I too grieved the body I once had because of all the work I put in😭 Ignore everyone else, it’s normal to put on weight in your face during pregnancy and I personally cant notice it. The thing that got me through was knowing that I lost the weight once, I could do it again! I invested in home gym equipment, just the basics and have been working out when I can, eating nutritious food, going for daily walks and ensuring I drink enough water! Congratulations on your miracle and I’m so happy for you, please try not to stress about the baby weight! It’s only temporary and like I said you lost the weight once, you can do it again💗 Be kind to yourself mumma💗
@Rasa fashion nova and thank you so much!☺️
@Robyn thank you ☺️
@Rosie thank you for the kind words and encouragement! And hello from new england US 🫶🏻🥰
@Cc thank you love 🫶🏻 took a peek at your profile and you are absolutely gorgeous too❤️
Thank you to everyone I feel alot better and am here for anyone of you feel free to message me if need someone to talk to 🫶🏻
I feel like I carry big as well. When I found out I was pregnant I already had extra weight on. My coworker thought I was carrying twins because I looked big and I was only like 6 weeks 😭. My belly got so big so fast and then I lost 6 pounds and my belly size has stayed the same size for the past 2-3 months. I don’t even take progress pics because it all looks the same. I’ll be 20 weeks tmrw looking like I’m 7 months already.
You look great! Everyone carries babies differently. Just walk and carry your little miracle with the glowing confidence you have and ignore people. No one should be commenting on another’s belly size.
Enjoy the bump it’s part of the process. I get the opposite unfortunately. I’m always told I don’t look pregnant or baby where which sometimes is funny, but after a couple losses.. not so much 😅
@Rosie peanut just recommends random post from all over the world!
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@Kianna ahh I see, I’m very new to this app☺️hello from the uk🫶🏼
@Rosie no problem! Hello from Colombia, South America :)
I’m a second time mom, I’m pregnant now and I always carry huge. Ppl ask me am I having twins. It can be a little offensive but all I can tell you is give your body grace. Dont stress it. You’re building a human, a privilege denied to many 🩵🩷
You look beautiful Jessie! x